Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Decisions have been made, and some for us. We're pretty pleased with how it all turned out!

Joaquim will be starting with Intervarsity Press on Tuesday! It will be a part-time position for the summer, at least 30 hours a week, and he could potentially have a full time spot that is opening up in the fall, which would...drumroll please...come with benefits! Yay!

So how did we get here? Last week was a rough one as Joaquim was realizing the physical toll of 12 hour days painting. He was offered the job at IVP and told them that he needed the weekend to decide, because of the consulate opportunity and also whether or not it was right to leave his other job after only a week or two. Friday answered any questions we had when he found out he was not going to be continuing in the selection process for the job at the consulate. He was disappointed but in a way relieved, because he was completely free to pursue the position at IVP. He called them back that day and went in to fill out some paperwork.

This week still finds him painting and scraping in the hot sun, but only through tomorrow. He ended up having a great conversation with his current boss over the weekend and they are leaving things on a very good note. He may even still help out with painting on Saturdays or any days he may not be scheduled at IVP. We'll see, but it's great to have an open door!

Next on the list is getting a second car. It's a bit painful to think we have finally arrived here after avoiding it for nearly a year, but it seems unavoidable now. We are praying for a good one!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Not so fast!

Ok...remember when I said it would be fun if Joaquim had a few jobs to choose from? Well now he does! It's a long story and it grows more complicated by the minute, but God is doing SOMETHING.

We are just continuing to pray for wisdom and we don't know what is going to happen but we are doing well! Just taking some interesting paths through life...nothing out of the blue for the Lord, though!

This morning Joaquim was surprised with an extra hour at home when his boss called and asked him not to come in until 9 instead of 8. So when Joaquim came back to bed around the time he usually leaves, I woke up and asked what the deal was. We had a great hour this morning to pray together and talk and have breakfast before he left and I started to get ready for work. Soon we'll have lots more early mornings together when little Oliver is waking us up at all hours!

After surrendering our days to the Lord, we both have such peace and joy about what is here and what is to come. We've only seen the tip of the iceberg I think...

This song came on my Pandora this morning and I just agreed with it so completely!

There may be times in your life
When nothing seems to be going right
When you're tired and the road is rough
And then God will come to see me through

Even when I get discouraged
Sometime when I get discouraged
Even when I get discouraged
I just wait on God

Even when I get discouraged
Sometime when I get discouraged
Even when I get discouraged
I just wait on God

You might have doubts and you might have fears
Trials may come and they might bring tears
Don't you worry and don't give up
If you wait on God He'll see you through

If you wait, Wait I say
On the Lord, My God will see you through

If you wait, Wait I say

We have sure done our share of waiting, though maybe it was more forced than intentional, and God is seeing us through, amen!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A light at the end of the tunnel...

Well folks, things are looking up!

Joaquim officially has a JOB. He'll be managing college students with College Pro, a painting company. So he'll be painting homes (interior and exterior I believe) and making sure all his charges are as well. It's full time, through the summer, and that is a start that we are just giddy about! Plus his employer is allowing him to continue his application process with the consulate, which is HUGE. He'll start training on Saturday and work on Monday. I need to get used to seeing a LOT less of my husband...that's the sad part of the deal!

Speaking of which, tomorrow Joaquim has a writing/translation test at the consulate at 10am. Prayers would be appreciated! If he passes this phase (which I am confident he will!) he will go on to have an interview later in the month. He'll find out on May 21st if he is movin' on up.

So it is true that while it is all so overwhelming from afar, we have been able to handle each new step and phase. God is taking us to the end of our ropes and as we clutched and clung, terrified, we happened to look down and see we were dangling just an inch above solid ground. Oh.

On to some baby business!

I am growing larger and definitely starting to look like a legitimately pregnant woman, not just "oh she's pregnant...or is she?" I'm 25 weeks now, in the 6th month, heading into the 3rd trimester, and I am starting to feel a bit uncomfortable but I am sure the best is yet to come. We had a doctor's appointment on Monday and everything is looking great. Little Oliver has a strong heartbeat of 151 beats per minute and my comical belly is measuring just fine, still accommodating our quickly growing baby. He is steadily measuring ahead of schedule and that is just fine as long as he arrives a bit ahead of schedule too! I'm not sure if he's agreed to that deal yet though... In 3 weeks I have to go in for a glucose screening and the numbers on the scale are starting to scare me but everyone assures me I am doing just fine. But...ouch! I also saw my entire stomach move last night as Oliver did a full somersault or threw an elbow across my whole belly or something. It was a very strange sensation and even weirder to SEE it out of the corner of my eye!

Joaquim has been rearranging our apartment a bit, which has been fun. Our living room and bedroom are now a bit more spacious in order to accommodate a crib and little dresser and all the other random stuff we need...SO MUCH STUFF! How does a person soooo tiny need so many things?! Now I'm starting to think about getting all of those things soon and preparing everything. We should all pray for Joaquim when the nesting sets in...he has some time still, but it is inevitable I'm sure!

Well that is about it for now...I hope to be full of good news for the next update too!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dishwashing Delight

Maybe it's been a while since I really washed a big pile of dishes (thanks to my wonderful husband, who is the self-professed dishwasher of the house) because last night when I rolled up my proverbial sleeves to get to work, I really enjoyed the moments of peace and quiet, with only the sound of the water running in the background. I found myself smiling as I prayed, thanking God for being so good to us. I would appreciate all of your prayers for His will to be done in Joaquim's job search. We have a few things we would like to see in a position for him, but know that God's way is definitely the best way!

In the last few days it does seem like the windows of heaven have opened with opportunities for Joaquim! The question now is which one will be the best...he is pursuing each of them as if it is THE job, and it would be cool if he has to make a decision to choose between them. What a concept!

The most promising opportunity on the horizon in MY humble opinion is at the Brazilian Consulate downtown. Joaquim was notified in March that they were going to be opening a selection process for an administrative assistant position. Full time, 1 year contract, benefits, decent pay...the whole shabang. It would be great because he could take the train (from our well-positioned apartment within walking distance of the train station) and therefore we could continue to get away with only owning one car.

The first step of the job process was merely to submit his resumé, a cover letter, and all his Brazilian and American documentation. Check.

Then he was notified on Friday April 30th that he has passed through to the first phase of proficiency testing to qualify for the job. There are 4 phases, and in order to pass each one he has to get the end, all the candidates who passed all 4 phases will be looked at and the one who did the best overall will be chosen based on their point totals from each phase. There are 24 candidates and 1 job opening, so we are praying, that's for sure!

So the next step is a writing and translation test on either May 13th or 14th, his date and time slot to be determined! I'm excited about this one. :)

He is also interviewing as we speak for a temporary warehouse position at Intervarsity Press which would be a great place to work and has the potential to turn into a full time job with benefits as well. The benefits are key in our situation right now...but the Lord knows that! We will just be thrilled with whatever comes of all of these options because we are trusting that God's will will be done. And His way is the BEST way, says a Veggie Tales song I know and love.

Last night we were blessed with the presence of a dear friend, Yani, for dinner. She moved to Alaska with her husband a few months ago and was back in town visiting friends and arranging for her car to be shipped up to her (man, that's far). We had a lovely evening with dinner, some yummy desserts, good Brazilian decaff coffee, wonderful conversation, and some fun Mary Kay talk as well. It was an encouragement to our souls!

So at the end of the evening, Joaquim and I were tired from long days for each of us, went to bed early to wake up early so he could get to Wooddale by 9am, but we went to bed happy and feeling the kind of exhaustion that means you got a lot accomplished in one day. That's the best. :)