Monday, December 28, 2009

All Will Be Well

Our first married Christmas together was absolutely wonderful!!! Thanks to all for the warm wishes for us. We enjoyed some new traditions for Joaquim and made some of our own. We spent Christmas Eve night and Christmas Day with my family and then the whole family on Christmas Day, which was very nice. Lots of good food (Dad's homemade pizza! and cookies!) and laughter...and of course presents. Joaquim has been enjoying our Wii for a few solid days. And I got maybe too excited about my Cuisinart panini maker/grill/griddle. Mmmm!

One of my favorite parts to the holiday was the Christmas Eve service on Thursday. It was a beautiful evening and the message really touched me.

"Emmanuel: God with us". The whole focus of the evening was how God is present in and involved with our lives. ...or at least that's what I got out of it. At the end, a few people came onstage and shared how God has provided for them or comforted them or cared for them. Then as the band sang, people started popping up throughout the auditorium, holding signs saying "All will be well...God with us". As the music built and hundreds of people stood to their feet with the signs overhead, I was so moved and suddenly it was like God was tapping my shoulder saying "hey, pay attention...this is for YOU. All will be well. I am with you."

That is such a comforting message: All will be well. It will! No matter what circumstances are facing you down right now (and sometimes approaching a whole new year is daunting...) it will all work out. Not because of positive thoughts or karmic justice, but the sole fact that God is with you.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Marching in the tops of the balsam trees

In 2 Samuel 5, David "inquired of the Lord", as he did often, if he should go attach the Philistines and if the Lord would give him a victory. God's response was so awesome, I just had to share it here... He told David that yes, He would go before Him and defeat the Philistines for him, and gave directions as to when David should go out and fight against them. His 'cue' would be when David heard the sound of marching in the tops of the balsam trees.

"As soon as you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the balsam trees, move quickly, because that will mean the LORD has gone out in front of you to strike the Philistine army." 2 Samuel 5:24

Can you imagine? They must have been in a forested area, it could have been hard to know exactly where the other army was, and maybe David's victory depended completely on God because He would have no chance otherwise. So he probably informed his army to just sit tight until they heart marching in the treetops. What would that marching be? God's army marching through above them to fight a battle that was just part of a war still raging today? And you have to wonder if at least a few people thought David was totally nuts...or maybe they all just had great faith in God as their deliverer and defender, because they had seen Him prove Himself to them time after time.

God may not make treetops rustle with the sound of boots barreling through very often these days, but He still does make a way for us. Yesterday I was reading my Bible in the morning and I was feeling apprehensive about what else the future could hold. So I just asked God to remind me of his promised plans for us, before I opened His word. I noticed a highlighted page as I flipped through to find where I'd left off, and took a detour into Isaiah. There I saw Isaiah 45:2. "I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron." I clung to this verse during the spring of 2007, when I was graduating from Taylor and wondering how the heck God was going to do everything I sensed He was telling me He would. I was thinking about visas to Brazil, dating Joaquim (we hadn't started yet...) and then an international wedding (yes I had high hopes even before dating him!) know...there were LOTS of barriers when I looked at things. So God gave me this verse and very clearly told me that yes, there are barriers. But He is bigger and stronger than they are.

Now this verse encouraged me again, because it seems obstacles never cease. There will always be something that I think we won't make it through, or somewhere we will never arrive. Oh, me of little faith! Thank the Lord for reminding me... what just happened this Monday? Joaquim got his green card in record time, we are married, we are exactly where we're supposed to be.

And how did we get here? Well, there must have been some balsam trees rustling somewhere...

Monday, December 14, 2009

Humbled and Awed

I haven't written lately because I just haven't had the time to contemplate, and I quickly tired of talking about food...because I have been too busy to look for new and exciting recipes. That sure happened fast, didn't it?

Well, lots of things are moving quickly! Green cards are supposed to take 6-9 months to process...but Joaquim received his in the mail today after less than 3 months! Are you jaw-dropped-to-the-floor surprised? Yea, we were too! It wasn't really supposed to come until April or so...and here it is! Merry Christmas!

So, what does this mean? Well, it means that God is at work and this is for a reason. It doesn't mean we're hopping on a plane, because we are realizing we have a lot to stabilize here first...and that will take some time. You can be praying for us at this stage - the only next step we currently have is just that Joaquim is looking high and low for a job. Once that gets taken care of we will be able to plan a bit better for the future, but we're not quite there yet.

Our attitude is really one of amazement, as you could guess from the title of this post. We are just blown away by how smoothly this process has gone until now, and don't want to do anything to mess it up! God's hands are just all over this situation and we're taking every step before Him. He has been very clear about closing some doors as far as jobs go for Joaquim, and that has been seems as though everything he has been really close to sealing the deal on, just wasn't good enough to the opportunity fizzled for no apparent reason. I guess that is just me being optimistic that it could only have been God saying "just hold on..." We know there is a really good plan here, but we are still in the dark!

Financially, God has been providing our every single need and blessing us here and there with babysitting jobs and things like a $700 dollar discount on getting the catalytic converter replaced on our car. He is so good, but He is just not letting us plan ahead! I've got to admit it's getting a liiiiittle frustrating. :) I know that in our hearts we plan our ways but God directs our steps. We are doing our best to ask for His guidance in every step and He has been faithful to give it. We know He will continue doing that.

Right now, we are praying about when our first trip to Brazil will be, and how that will go logistically. It will be a quick visit...but even those are expensive! Joaquim is looking into some options for classes at Harper, to potentially lead into further education and training to be a pastor...which would obviously be incredible. It feels as though God is just stirring up the waters, and it is AMAZING to think that Joaquim now has nearly every legal right here in the US that I do...all except voting. He can officially own property and he is eligible for any kind of school and would not be considered an "international student" with all the crazy paperwork involved. Recalling our attempts at planning his studies here a year and a half ago, and how many hurdles we faced, it seems nearly too good to be true that none of that would apply right now. This is just so good...what in the world is next? Stay tuned...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Lady Liza

Joaquim and I have made quite a team of ourselves, babysitting. It's been fun and usually we watch two little ones named Liza and Jake. Liza is a little over two years old, and Jake is 7 or 8 months (although he is huge and wears 24 month clothes!) The family is not a Christian family, and that is very apparent just from being in their home. I browsed their bookshelves one day and was just grieved by all the self-help books and explorations of mystic and "spiritual you" sorts of premises. Last Friday, Gus (the dad) was telling us that they went to a pumpkin patch at a local church, and he went out of his way to explain that the ONLY reason they went to the church was for the pumpkin patch. Ok, message received.

So we watch their sweet kids, play games, read books, coax mashed turkey baby food into a laughing mouth and a wobbly head, and it's a great time. The kids love us, and we are quite fond of them. Usually Joaquim takes charge of "baby Jake" (though he still makes me change all the diapers...this will not be true of our future children, but he hasn't realized that yet...) and gets him changed, feeds him his bottle, waits till he falls asleep on his shoulder, and puts him to bed. (Yes, it is super cute.) Liza and I are buddies, and I put her to bed.

This last time, she wanted me to lay down with her a bit (she wasn't super tired, so whatever needed to happen to calm her down, happened!) There we were, I was singing her some songs to go to sleep, and she was starting to close her eyes after a few books read in a calm, quiet voice, and then lights out. So just before I left the room, I said "ok, let's pray."

She looked at me and said, "play?"

And at that moment, my heart broke into a million pieces.

This sweet, blonde, curly haired, skinny, smiley girl who knows all her colors and can sort of count and has memorized the authors name of her favorite book and always likes to flip to the back cover to see her picture...this precious little one doesn't even have the word "PRAY" in her advanced-for-a-two-year-old vocabulary.

So I prayed for her to sleep well, to be safe and healthy, and that she would come to know the Lord someday. And maybe next time we'll talk about Jesus.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


I was talking with my sister-in-law yesterday about dreams. Not the kind you have when you sleep, but rather those desires you hold dear to your heart and sometimes far from reality. Everyone has an IDEAL life in mind for themselves 15 years out. What's yours?

When I think of mine, I think of people. Lots of people. I won't go into details because...well, that's scary. But I don't think of accomplishments or a job or a house or what kind of car we'll have...I just see faces and I see steaming coffee at a BIG kitchen table (not our 4-person baby table that is currently squeezed into our kitchen.) I see myself in a position to help and counsel lots of young women. I see Joaquim and I saying every day, "I'm not sure we can do this..." but giving, doing, and believing what God has told us.

I guess this thought was born out of reading the Boundless Webzine...(that's a magazine online, fyi. It's done by Focus on the Family and started as a resource for single 20-somethings, but is growing into something that applies to young married couples and young parents. Basically it's ideal insight for my generation.) - Quarantining a Generation
I've heard a lot about the problem of people my age just dropping out of church. And I do really understand why someone would stop going. It's hard work to get connected in this culture, because we are busy. We don't value each other enough, and we are far too distractable and need too much stimulation to think anything is worthwhile. Whatever happened to talking over coffee and getting to know someone? Those are the best moments. Be curious about someone's life and heart and ask them about themselves. LISTEN. Don't try and compare your life to theirs to have some common ground. That is NOT necessary and in fact can be detrimental to a conversation. Just look them in the eyes, and really listen. Then respond without using the word "I".

Another thought about the youth church culture. Man am I familiar with that. And I'd say 80% of the people I was in youth church with in highschool and college are now nowhere near church. But why? We had a coffee bar and screaming concerts on Friday nights?

"The cry of the emerging church is for relevancy. To keep young adults from slipping out the back never to return, churches believe they must compete with bars, coffee shops and nightclubs.

Jesus didn't try to compete with the culture. He loved people and He spoke the truth, and those were the qualities the masses responded to, not His showmanship. Expecting the church to be relevant to every age group at all times is unrealistic."

Here's the KEY: Love people and speak the truth.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Conversation with a Friend...and a Discovery

Yesterday I had a chat with a friend of mine, whose name I have changed for her protection. :) But as we talked, I had a great "hindsight is 20/20" moment that I wanted to share....

Friend: What were you thinking when it started to come about with Joaquim?
me: hmm...I remember just thinking it was crazy
but I think each time i just did it and then realized later that I have no idea what happened
dating, engagement, marriage
all of them happened and then I turned around and was like "woah, what happened!"
Friend: I can see that.
I'm just afraid I'll make a mistake - or be one step ahead of or behind God - or push for something I want that's outside His will - or have my heart broken - or break someone's heart - or - or - or
me: yea you're thinking too much
Friend: augh
again or still? :)
me: always
Friend: In all honestly I'm not sure if I'm more afraid that "he" could be it or that it could be that it isn't him and I'm left with nothing but the continued wait
me: hmm
but you don't need to fear the wait
because God is in control of the wait
he invented it
and uses it often to teach us stubborn people really easy stuff ;)
when I started dating Joaquim, it was an easy decision because it had been SO long
Friend: SO long what?\
me: the way we talked for over a year
non-committal, confusion
lots of time with me on the couch, praying and journaling and seeking the Lord for 'what are you doing?'
and the message I kept getting was "wait. this is good."
after a whole year of God trimming me to be with this one man...
every other decision was just a "duh"
so don't fight the waiting
because it makes things easier in the long run
I think God changed me a lot in order to get me in the right position to receive him in my life, my family...
obviously He always knew who I would end up with, but I wasn't in the right position
like a baby when it's backwards haha
OBVIOUSLY it's gotta come out
Friend: haha
me: but sometimes the doctor needs to reach his own hands in and turn things around
and that's what that year was for me
Friend: wow
me: sharpening of my focus and my heart, my desires
and then on May 15, 2007, I just popped on out!
Friend: AH!
Happy birthday!
me: seemed easy, but it had been a year in the making haha
(of course I was totally oblivious to this for that year, keep in mind)
(and it felt like torture, not gentle hands slowly adjusting me)
so the BEST thing you can do is stay VERY VERY VERY close to God
and if every day He has his way with you
you will turn and lean just a little bit each day
and then finally...POP! out you'll go :)
and you won't have to look back once
Friend: hahaha, the first thought that popped into my head when I read that "stay very very very close to God" was : God if I do, can I keep him? (Meaning the guy). :)
me: haha
Friend: I realize that when I start to freak out is when I think I'm in control
Which is funny, cause that's where my ridiculous self tells me I want to be
But then I freak out.
You'd think I'd laern.
me: hahaha
nope we are very stupid, we humans ;)
Friend: yes, yes we are.
Stay close to God. Don't control. Stay close to God. Don't control.
Got it
I think
me: and maybe you have to do that 20 times a day
but you'll come out alright :)
next year perhaps :)
Friend: O
Sometimes my perfectionistic mind tends to think that by my staying close to God He would "reward" me with "Mark"
me: hmm
Friend: But I know that Truth is that staying close to Him causes me to become who He needs me to be
It changes my mind, not His. :) Thank you for the shot of strength and encouragement, dear Christine.

I'll talk to you soon. Thanks again.
Arms locked!
me: locked and loaded! love you!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

One where is Macaroni Grille?

Happy one month of marriage for me and Joaquim! Yesterday was the lovely's always funny to count months, but I'm sure we'll stop once we get to a year. Or maybe not.

We had big plans for our big day!

First I did laundry at my parents house before work, on lunch break, and after work. Yes, the washing machine in our apartment has been broken for 2 weeks and we had 3 weeks of laundry piled up. I did enough to last us till Monday when it will supposedly be fixed for real (although I don't believe much that I hear on this subject these days...) and there is still a small mountain of clothing in the corner of our bedroom. When I can finally tackle that, I will be the happiest woman in the world.

When I got home around 6, we chilled for a bit and then got ready to go to Macaroni Grille for dinner. We got a gift certificate there for our wedding and we were saving it for a special occasion. It had arrived! I googled restaurant locations and found one in Hoffman Estates that was about 30 minutes away and had us taking 90 west. Not really wanting to hop on that atrocious road at the tail end of rush hour, I kept looking and found one in Deerfield, 25 minutes away. Deerfield it was.

Joaquim took a shower and put on his strapping new sweater vest, which is probably the most adorable item of clothing he now owns. Love it. I touched up my makeup and put my hair up and off we went. Nearly half an hour later, we were arriving...and arriving...and suddenly...we were in Northbrook? Where was Macaroni Grille? Apparently it does not exist in that location.

Trying to still make the most out of a sour situation, we tried out Northbrook Court. I figured they'd have a Friday's or something where we could at least sit down and have a nice date out. Nothing. They had PF Changs (Joaquim detests Chinese food) and Subway. Seriously?

So...we went to the drive through McDonald's in Wheeling on our way home, watched House while eating french fries, and then had a piece of the top of our wedding cake (no way were we waiting a year! That thing would have been naaaaasty), which was delicious.

All in all, it was a fun evening. Not as fancy and romantic as planned, but it was fitting for the Fragosos. We do love McDonald's, and we also love House, and we like our couch and our living room. We chatted the whole hour drive, without distraction, and had a great conversation. We laughed a lot about our mishap, we cuddled on our couch, and went to sleep at a reasonable was a good night.

NEXT month we are going to Macaroni Grille for real.

Prayer requests:
- The check engine light in the camry came on again! It's an old car with almost 150,000 miles...and the only one we have. Still gets us from A to B, but feels a bit like it's teetering on the edge of the end of its life. Something needs to happen in this situation and only God knows what!
- Keep praying for Joaquim's work permit to come through in time. End of December, Lord?

Friday, October 2, 2009

Woodfield Mall

It had been quite a while since I had last meandered through Woodfield Mall. Joaquim and I went there last night and managed to do the unthinkable, the impossible, the miraculous....we left the mall with MORE money than when we arrived.

But I must say, it was difficult, humbling, and eye opening to walk through that place. We just had to return a duplicate gift from the wedding, and by the time we actually got to Crate & Barrel, I had absolutely no desire to browse and buy anything with our return money.

Why, you ask?

We parked by Macy's, so walking through that store was a little bit shocking. I haven't been an extravagant shopper for a while now (I remember how much I used to spend on clothes in high school...totally ridiculous!) so it's not like I was suddenly being confronted with department store price tags for the first time, but being married to Joaquim has definitely changed my outlook a little bit. He really needs some winter sweaters and a coat, which we will get soon...but he is so hesitant to spend money on clothes because it really is more of a luxury than he is used to, buying multiple items of clothing at one time. His mom would always give him a new outfit for Christmas/New years...and that's it. Random t-shirts here and there, but he never has gone and outfitted himself for a season before.

Seeing his heart, caring nothing about fashion but only about what would actually keep him warm, and his almost childlike innocence, thinking "do I really NEED that?" was convicting and humbling. How many times did I go shopping with my mom at places like The GAP, Express, H&M (although they're not ridiculously priced), and ask her to buy me things I didn't need? Thankfully my mom never let me get tons and tons of stuff, but I always left with a pretty heavy shopping bag. I realized last night that I also usually left those stores feeling unhappy, unsatisfied, and like my outfits weren't going to cut it. I always left looking at a mannequin and thinking "I wish I had THAT outfit..." I would walk past display windows and feel bad for myself because I didn't have that pair of $150 boots.

Last night in Macy's I saw a mother and daughter with their arms piled high with clothes. I saw very fashionably dressed middle aged women, browsing through name brand blouses. And I just felt sad for them. Now, I'm not saying that everyone who buys lots of clothes is this poor unhappy soul. If I had a million dollars, I would probably shop at Macy's a time or two. I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with it, or with going to the mall. But I just know that I left feeling sad, guilty for how much money we as a society spend on such stupid things, and I didn't even buy anything. I wonder if the girl with the ALDO bag who was on her way into Na Hoku jewelers felt the same way...

On our way home, we were listening to moody radio (I have officially turned into my parents, but let's not dwell on this subject...) and Dr. Dobson was interviewing Tony Dungee (coach of the superbowl winning Colts a few years ago). Tony Dungee is a Christian, and a pretty solid guy from what I heard. Dr. Dobson asked him about family, and why he thinks families are disintegrating more these days than they were 50 years ago. Tony Dungee's thoughts were fascinating. He said that fathers are less involved in this generation because their fathers had a mindset of merely "protect and provide". Most dads didn't spend quality time with their kids, they just worked hard to give them nice things and better opportunities than they had. For most, this didn't end up being a fair trade. Now parents still work their butts off, coming home late, having nannies pick their kids up from school, so they can buy them a car for their 16th birthday or get them a new video game system every Christmas, because they didn't have that when they were younger. But what happens when their kid drops out of school, and they didn't even realize there were problems?

All the parents dragging their kids to the mall and getting them everything they want are missing it. What children, teenagers, young adults, even old adults, need more than what they want is quality time with their family. Maybe not everyone I saw last night was merely in a frenzy of trying to satisfy themselves with cloth and leather and tags that say a name brand on them. But I'd bet most of them were...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I'm just gonna say...

God is good!

The week is going well...not too much to say, but I guess the name of the game is busy. We're looking for a balance I think. This weekend I feel like we bit off a bit more than we can chew. We're babysitting ALL day on Saturday from 7am until about 3pm. Then going straight to a wedding. We might be a bit sleepy at that reception haha. But it will be a fun time and great to see Suz and Travis get married! We have been blessed this month with a few babysitting opportunities, which we know is an answer to prayer - especially for Joaquim to be able to work in that capacity...even though it's kind of a girl thing! He loves kids, so it's been fun. And we aren't complaining about those open doors!

But man, I am going to miss my Saturday...

Last night was a lovely time at choir...we're getting more involved and meeting more people and it has just been lovely! Plus, I learned my lesson from a rushed dinner last week and decided to throw together a crock pot meal last night. Due to limited ingredients in my fridge, I just made chicken with tomato sauce and onions, and it was just lovely when we got home at 9:30. We got to choir a bit late, and had dinner at almost 10pm. Who am I? The wife of a Brazilian. Funny.

Well, hopefully this rainy evening will be full of REST. :)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

oooooooooo vida BOA!

The good life - An official update

Thanks so much to everyone who has supported us as we continue on our adventure as a newly married couple! The biggest support we had was from our families and friends before and during the wedding.

The week before was wonderful, with my parents and I running around like crazy, and Joaquim and his parents enjoying time with their son, and some sightseeing in Chicago! Isaac, Joaquim's best man, was here from Wednesday until the wedding, and that was wonderful too.

The wedding day was just beautiful, and everything turned out perfectly. I woke up to raindrops, which is good luck! By the time the ceremony was starting, the sun was shining, and the rest of the day was gorgeous. Perfect temperature...God is good! We were so stunned at how many people were there to share the day with us. That is probably what meant the most to us! How many hours people drove, flew, how they lost sleep and comfort in order to see us get married and give their support to our union. It was such a blessing.

Another huge blessing was a honeymoon in Hawaii. We went and came back and it was beautiful...but we also know that is a lifetime dream for many people, and we were able to go there at ages 24 and 25. Maybe never again! But we are so grateful that God made a way for that trip. It was everything we could have imagined, and looking back at the pictures already brings back such sweet memories. Spending time alone, walking on the beach, taking 600 pictures, (thanks to Joaquim!) trying new food, finding comfort food, watching tv in bed, sitting on our balcony having coffee in the was relaxed and quiet, and it was so nice to just pause life for a week and enjoy each other!

Also, the climate and land in Hawaii reminded Joaquim a lot of Brazil, so that was a nice respite from midwestern blues. Keep him in your prayers as fall and winter barrel through the door! And anyone in warm places, think about keeping your doors open in February, March, and April. We may need to take monthly escape weekends from the tundra!

Now that we are back into "life" we are still so blessed and continue to be SO happy. Our apartment is just a big pile of wonderful. God is so good, and I still have to pinch myself when I remember that my parents lived there too...what a special legacy God prepared for us in that! It's a beautiful place, it is now cozy and homey...I love our kitchen especially (which is good because I spend a LOT of time there...which I also love!) It is so great to come home to a warm, loving space, a smiling face, and to make a nice cup of coffee and sit with my husband.

Our adventures with food have been most notable and I feel like I only write about our dinners. But food is a very important element in most cultures! When combining two cultures, it becomes even more so. (I have been reading a wonderful book called Your Intercultural Marriage...very insightful on this subject!) I truly love cooking, and it is a JOY to see my husband smile after every meal. (Well...ALMOST every meal...) It is a new discipline to make lists, plan recipes, and get dinner on the stove around...7pm. Yes, 7:00 is when I start cooking! It's marvelous actually. Spending 8 hours at the office and jumping into the oven as soon as you get home is no fun. This provides a break and quality time with Joaquim before dinner, and less indigestion because we don't eat in a rush. :)

We have also been busy! A few people have mentioned that our social-ness (is that a word?) really breaks the stereotype of most newlyweds. Let it be known that we simply are not most newlyweds! We weren't most dating couples, most engaged couples, and we are still different from most married couples. We love hanging out with people, friends, family, strangers...anyone. We had something planned every evening since Wednesday of last week. Now, it's also true that tonight we are VERY excited to have nothing to do. We'll probably watch The Biggest Loser, and just BE. So, you can call after tomorrow. :)

Prayer requests:
- Pray for Mae and Pai at Lar, as they miss Joaquim and are really feeling his absense. He helped with a LOT there!
- Joaquim's green card application and documentation is in, and we are just waiting for a response in a few months. PLEASE pray that his work permit will come through fairly quicky...we are praying for it by December!
- We are really seeking the Lord for our immediate He wants us to proceed here in the next few years. Pray for guidance, clear direction, and an open door in every situation.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Succulent Salmon...

Last night was a lovely, tasty, and cozy success! Miso sauce is easy and deliiiiicious. Man, I could eat that stuff on anything. Is that bad? Chicken with miso sauce, pork with miso sauce, steak with miso sauce...Joaquim will be sick of miso sauce! But he liked it last night so that was a success!

My parents were impressed with the salmon, because it was so pink and beautiful. Yep, literally caught from a river in Alaska and it made it to my hands in a plastic bag. I wasn't quite sure how to cook the salmon, but I have this fabulous griddle from Princess House so I just smothered it in some butter and slapped the sliced filets on, covered it up, and away we went.

It was great to chat and spend some time with my parents and Brian (who was tired and quiet as usual...but he enjoyed some chocolate so there was a hint of excitement there) and my mom was excited to see our apartment. It was all in all a very nice evening. Joaquim and I did alllllll the dishes afterwards, and this morning we didn't have breakfast at home so it was great to have a maintained and clean kitchen for more than a few hours.

I am realizing that although I've lived on my own before and had to cook and clean and do my own laundry, etc...I have never been a wife. Duh. And that is very different! It is so fun and wonderful!

This weekend can't come soon enough...a relaxing evening at home is in store for us. Joaquim said yesterday, as we were washing dishes, that we have been so busy. Praise the Lord! The last thing we wanted was for him to feel bored or stuck in one place. He is tired because we've had something to do almost every night this week. This is a good thing! Tonight is a simple dinner of cooked polish sausage with onions, and rice. We'll watch a movie and chill, then sleep a LONG TIME tonight! Yes!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

When all else fails...rice

You know how sometimes you know something hypothetically, but until you experience it, it doesn't really hit you? Well, last night I was hit with the true reality that when Joaquim doesn't have rice for a couple days, things begin to go awry.

Monday was such a complicated dinner that I had run out of steam, so I just made quick, simple, one stop shop deals yesterday and Tuesday. He was fine with Tuesday, but by yesterday...where's the rice? Still in the pantry! Now I know that is not the right place for it...

Sensing my disbelief and incredulity that rice is really such a big deal, he graciously made me coffee and breakfast this morning. That helped start off the day well, but I think he was just sucking up so I'll make rice tonight! Ok, Ok, I will.

This week has gone by quickly! I can't believe I last wrote on Sunday and it's already Thursday. Does anyone want to support my petition for 3 day weekends? That would be great...

Another recent marriage learning experience: While Joaquim is in the shower, he cannot make decisions or answer questions. Check. He was warned by my brothers and past roommates not to talk to me in the morning or finish off any popcorn that may be in my possession. But no one warned me not to talk to him in the shower! Now I know! :)

Tonight should be a fun and decadent evening as my family is coming over. River-caught salmon from Alaska! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand rice and beans. :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Lazy Sundays in Arlington Heights...and Brasil

Today feels like fall. Tuesday is the first day of fall, for any who didn't know...and we haven't been complaining one bit about the beautiful weather so far. Today Chicago began to show its true intentions...

The weekend was eventful in a nicely calm way for us. Yesterday we were "on call" expecting Isaac, Joaquim's loooong time best friend, who was due back in Chicago to catch a flight back to Sao Paulo this evening. He said he would come by and asked if we could take him to the airport on Sunday. Sure, no problem...he left a suitcase and an x-box here, and was also bringing us a belated wedding gift from Memphis, where he had been for the past week. So we were trying to be available and around the house yesterday in case he came.

This involved waking up to hammers and staple guns at 8:30am, which was lovely. (They put carpet in our hallway, which actually IS lovely...) and throughout the day we did lots of errands and eventually had the lovely Janell Keller over around was great to catch up with her. I am loving being married to a Brazilian because this means I can legitimately observe "coffee hour" on weekends. Yesterday I baked a little cake (from a mix, I'm not that impressive...) and we had cake and coffee at 5:30ish. It was lovely. Janell has officially experienced the Brazilian way to spend the late afternoon. Later we had tilapia for dinner, which was an adventure and was perhaps the most unappetizing meal I have ever seen. We were all wary because it didn't brown or was baked, and basically looked exactly as it had when I put it in the oven, though slightly more melted. Thankfully, it tasted great, and was approved by all. Phew. Joaquim eagerly ate more leftovers for lunch today.

Today we woke up early for the 9am service at Harvest. That's when Joaquim usually goes to church, so there goes my usual 11:15 am attendence. But it's definitely nicer to go at 9. Sleepier, but I took a nap before lunch, and the day has felt more productive. On our way home from church we went a little out of our way and stopped at Eurofresh. Joaquim saw lots of brands he recognized and said the supermarket even smelled like Brazil. We bought 2.5 liters plus 2 little cans of Guaraná, and also found some Japanese seasonings I needed to make Salmon with Miso Paste in a few days. Trying to recreate some salmon we had at Benihana in Hawaii. Delicious! So if you are looking for rice vinegar, sesame seed oil, and miso paste, they have it all in one little aisle at Eurofresh.

The rest of the afternoon has been spent relaxing...we read some, took a walk - just before the rain started, and now I have lit a few candles and Joaquim is listening to the Corinthians game. Very important. I have the Bears on the tv, muted. So we are following two different kinds of "football" at the moment. I'd say he cares much more about one than the other. ;)

All of this is also to say that Isaac has YET to arrive...and we don't have any way to contact him. So if he doesn't get here in 3 hours or so, it looks like we will have gained a suitcase and an xbox. Finder's keeper's!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

We do!

Well after a LONG WAIT of...well, over 3 years...Joaquim and I are married! It's official. Thanks so much to all who came to our wedding and also who expressed support and love and congratulations if they were unable to come. We have been so blessed by all of you.

We are also SO glad to be married. It was a wonderful day (pictures to come on facebook...eventually...) and we have such great memories. I tried to log them all in my journal on the plane to Hawaii, so hopefully the memories will stay fresh! I'm sure I forgot some things though...

We are all settled into our apartment and are just adjusting to living together and It's a totally different thing than dating and spending even tons of time together. When you are ALWAYS together and are responsible for each other and for your own home, it's totally different and totally wonderful! We are enjoying cooking together and watching movies and arranging our beautiful gifts all over our cozy kitchen and living room. Our bedroom is finally organized, which is wonderful, and there are still a few odds and ends that don't have homes in our living room,'s coming together.

So far we are doing very well! It's nice to have no big obligations this week. But I am already finding myself wanting to hang out with friends and see people! I know Joaquim feels the same way. But man, we have busy, anyone free to do anything? We might make you dinner! So far Joaquim has made some tasty beans and I made delicious bacon chicken and a nice tomato vegetable soup last night. Although the soup was too salty...apparently in Brazil they say that when a woman adds too much salt to the food it's because she's in love. Guilty as charged. But really...anyone want to hang out???

On the same vein, we do really ask your prayer for a job for Joaquim. He is at home all day, every day...and firstly needs something to do, preferably making a little something too! If anyone knows of anything that is around the house, painting, moving, heavy lifting (haha), raking leaves...the man will do anything! He even said he would babysit every once in a while. (He's great with kids!) So...just get the word out and prayers too!

Another prayer request is for his green card, work permit, and social security card paperwork. We sent it off to the lawyer TODAY, and hope it all goes through well!

More updates to come...when we get internet at home, tomorrow. :)

Thank you all!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Exploration has begun!

Well everyone, the famous Joaquim da Silva Fragoso has arrived!

He got here yesterday morning at 6am and was happy (not really...) to see a rainy airport upon his arrival. Hopefully it is a little sunny tomorrow at least so he realizes Chicago doesn't only rain. What a bummer of a summer...everyone pray for sunny skies on September 6th!

Yesterday was a whirlwind. I can't believe he only arrived a little over 24 hours ago because we have done SOOOO much since then. I went to work at 9am yesterday and left a bit early to go to the tasting for the caterer. (WOW - one of my only goals was to have impressive food at this wedding of ours and you better believe that I have achieved that goal. We were STUFFED because we couldn't stop eating! Joaquim still can't stop talking about it!) We got home from the tasting around 6 and dropped off some leftovers for my dad and my brother to have for dinner, then turned right back around and went out to the storage unit so Joaquim could know how to get in there. Of course, I promptly forgot which number it was, much to his disbelief. I know, I know...ridiculous. We found it and all is well. Then we took a few things, whatever fit in our trusty Camry, to our apartment and unpacked a bit. We do NOT have enough storage space. Shelves and/or portable drawers will soon have to be part of our lives. But until we get everything in, we won't know what the situation is, so in it all goes. There is a lot in my storage did I get so much STUFF? After all the apartment shuffling, we came back to my parents' house, and worked on paperwork for the greencard filing, and planned all of today's activities.

All of that travel was practice for Joaquim to take the car today and explore the area a bit! He was a bit reluctant, understandably so, but I promised him adequate mappage and that he could hang on to my cell phone (until we get him one tonight!) So he dropped me off at work this morning, and off he went! Thankfully he has a very handy sense of direction and at least is aware of when he is going the wrong way, so he has made a few turn-arounds today, but that's how you learn right? He has been very successful so far, with a trip to the apartment already under his belt, and he picked me up for lunch with our friend Yani. :) Now he's off to the storage unit and the apartment again...this afternoon after work I have my final dress fitting, then dinner, then the Verizon store, then seeing a potential $50 couch...oh my goodness.

Tomorrow we are going on a DATE, to see Harry Potter. :) it will be well worth it and I hope I don't sleep through the movie after all this running around!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Butterflies and Heartburn

Maybe one causes the other...but having both at the same time is a bit distracting.

I feel like I could just jump out of my skin waiting for Joaquim right now. Thankfully I received the official word that he's in Sao Paulo...he came online and called me "aunt" on accident, which was quite charming, and then proceeded to ask for a website, tell me his aunt said that if she could send me a piece of chocolate cake with Joaquim, she would, but she can't...and then he said he had to go eat lunch. Ok, see you tomorrow.

So, I am the most antsy, jittery, sleepy, anxious girl ever right now. Thankfully I have something to do this evening, though it might not be the most fun I'll ever have in my life, and then will take a shower and a Tylenol PM, and off I go to bed, to wake up at 5:30 and be reunited with my looooooove! And after that, cinnamon rolls for breakfast. WHAT could be better?

I just need to get through today without twitching and jittering my excited self off a cliff...

Monday, August 24, 2009


My fiancé arrives in two days. Less, in fact...something to the tune of 44 hours. Praise the Lord!

I'm sorry for not having updated much recently...pre-wedding life is chaotic. I can't wait to see everyone on the 6th, enjoying the fruits of my labors. My family has been super helpful...I truly wouldn't be alive at the moment if it weren't for them. And let's not forget my dear fiancé, Joaquim, who is currently scrambling and packing and saying goodbye to people, and will get on a bus for São Paulo in about 5 hours. Keep him in your prayers as he travels...his heart is doing well I believe. He is still excited to marry me, so this is good. :)

Last night I started planning our time in, we are going to be the coolest people. We got these Go Oahu passes for Wednesday and Thursday of our trip. They cost us $160 for two days, so we better use them! Basically we get free admission to far too many places, so we have to choose just a few. One of them will be a snorkeling adventure, which will probably really scare me. I don't like marine life or coral. However, how can you NOT go snorkeling? Get over it, Christine. There's also a tour called Grand Circle Island Tour, which is from 7am-4pm and takes you ALL OVER Oahu. That should be cool. And free. Well, not really since we already paid $160. But at least it's pre-paid. So it kind of feels free. I got a restaurant recommendation from my uncle, so our one big hoorah will be at a nice Italian place that is .3 miles from our hotel (google mapped it yeaaaa) and will have an ocean view table, with fireworks after sunset. I already bought a dress. It's great to think about this honeymoon business because at this point it is pulling us through the wedding. We are stress cases, though still in love, and quite tired because we can't sleep well. Last night I lay awake wondering if we would get plates so we could eat on something other than plastic.

After Joaquim's arrival, we will be really booking it...moving on Saturday...last minute details...tuxedo fittings...paperwork for his green card, which MUST be applied for by September 24th...his parents come on the 31st so they will be getting to know our new life...lots of shopping for groceries and things like toilet paper and dish that whole wedding thing in 13 days. I think the whole business will be SO fun. But it will be crazy for two weeks!

So, pray for safe travel and for our sanity. Ah!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

A spirit of love and gentleness

The Lord has been teaching me a lot about love lately. I know I'm getting married in 5 1/2 weeks, so of course that is on my mind a lot, but this isn't the love He has been putting on my heart. The kind of love I've been learning about is the kind I should show to everyone, because He first loved me. It's easy to love Joaquim because he's just so darn good looking, and he calls me his princess and gives me shiny things and asks me how I am doing with such concern and sincerity...and then listens to my response! (Ladies, aren't you all jealous? I know, I got a good one!) But there are some people who are not easy to love. So what do I do then?

I still have to love. Actions sometimes speak louder than words.

But what if people still can't see beyond your words? Yes, the offensiveness of the gospel message is often in its delivery. But sometimes it truly is only in the message. No matter how you sugar coat things or say it with a smile, someone is going to be upset. It is those times that are most frustrating and where we feel least able to do anything.

I have to confess that I have been guilty of speaking the truth, even with a heart of love, but without a spirit of gentleness. I've even had people call me a gentle person, but when I see things as black and white, I have trouble expressing my heart...especially when challenged. For this reason I'm glad I'm a work in progress. God isn't done with me yet!

When you ask God to work on you, it can get kind of ugly. And it has. But I have no regrets and I will not waver from the truth.

2 Timothy 3:12-17 "
In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

Friday, July 24, 2009

The circle of apartments

Big things are always happening around here. It never stops, and I guess I should just get used to it!

The most recent development in the life of Christine and Joaquim's married future is the near acquirement of an apartment in Arlington Heights. Here is the kicker: it is the VERY apartment, unit and all, where my parents spent their first year of marriage. It's really nice, hardwood floors, new kitchen and bathroom, ceiling fan in the bedroom, great price, and it's a month-to-month lease which is really ideal for us. We were not a fan of being bound to a whole year or two when we are only bound to God's will for us! It will be great. Our landlady is still looking into my credit and my rent paying history, which is fair, so she hasn't given us the total green light yet, but...come on. It's coming.

Now that we know where we are going to live, I am just a distracted pile of daydreaming. I can picture where we will come home after our fabulous honeymoon to Hawaii, and I imagine making coffee in our kitchen, and experimenting with our Brazilian/American dinner extravaganzas. Joaquim will explore Arlington Heights while I'm at work, and we live about a mile from downtown so it's an ok walk on a nice September day. Hopefully by the time the weather gets worse, he will have some more direction on how God wants to use him here.

I'm so grateful for the blessing of that apartment, and more importantly for the man with whom I will make a life there!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Wedding weekend begins.....NOW!

I am convinced that planning a wedding makes you a better I am going to try and be an awesome one this weekend! Miss Annie Schuette is getting married on Sunday, and this whole weekend is going to be about her! And Wes of course, but we know how the ratio goes there...I am so thrilled for them, and am really looking forward to a fun weekend of bachelorette parties, manis and pedis, hair up-do's, rehearsal dinners, actual rehearsals...LOTS OF SMILING FOR PICTURES...and of course supporting one of my best friends as she makes a life long commitment to her VERY best friend.

...Ok I just made myself tear up a little bit...

Wedding parties are important. You invite people to stand up next to you, and affirm the vows you will make, and hopefully those people will be close to you your whole life, and will consistently hold you accountable for those vows. (At least that's what I expect, fyi to anyone whos wedding I will ever be in, and anyone in my wedding party! Ha.) Some people say they're barely friends anymore with people who stood up in their wedding...I know things happen, but I can honestly and sincerely say that I hope to see all of the faces of my dear friends and sisters who will wear pretty gold, chiffon dresses on Sunday September 6th and smile and laugh and cry with Joaquim and me on that day. It's a big deal. And it is IMPORTANT!

So I feel like wedding wedding wedding has been all I think about, talk about, and do lately. But you know what, that's just the truth! This is the KICK-OFF to the rest of my life...and this weekend is a PARTY that will set off my friends' marriage! It's a big deal, and let's get into it!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

t-minus 60 days

This has been a productive week so far...maybe that is born out of necessity, but either way I'm not complaining. Last night I hashed out a potential program for the wedding. I have learned during this whole process that things which seem overwhelming at first are really only a matter of jumping in. Flowers, menus...just pick a few things and start rolling with it. It comes together. So I decided to google "wedding program" and pick and choose what I wanted. 10 minutes later, presto-change-o, we have a program. Hey, that was easy!

Ok but I am so ready to be done with this wedding business. It has been an important thing in my life for the last 9 months. Wait...10 months! Joaquim and I have will have been engaged for 10 whole months, next week! Yea, we are ready to be married.

Other than wedding planning, I have been preparing to be IN a wedding this weekend! It is my first time standing up as a bridesmaid, and I am so excited. Miss Annie Schuette, who I have literally known my whole life, is getting married on Sunday. So it will be a blast to celebrate her this weekend and support her in her marriage to Wes Johnson! We will all be newlywed pals. :)

I have been doing some apartment hunting lately, so if anyone knows of any good places around here, let me know! Our ideal locale would be near downtown Arlington Heights. That's the dream. But we'd go with anything that is close to my work (less than 15 minutes) and less than $800/month. We're confident that God will open those doors! Or that apartment door, literally.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Don't cry over spilled...water

...unless it spilled because the glass broke and sliced your pinky finger! Yes, that was me on Saturday night, the day before I left Brazil. I was washing dishes while Joaquim and his cousin Samuel were barbequeing some meat (classic...) and while washing a glass, it shattered. My first reaction was just surprise, and then I stared at my finger, wondering if I had cut myself. "I'm ok! I'm ok!" quickly turned to "I cut myself! I cut myself!" At that point Joaqum walked into the kitchen again and found me holding my finger, demanding a cloth or paper towel or something. He gave me a couple squares of toilet paper, which I clamped over my finger, and from that point on I didn't even look at it.

Judging by the fact that it is still bandaged and puffy, I probably could have used some good old fashioned stitches. At that point, though, I refused. I've never been to a hospital in Brazil and...wouldn't really like to. I'll have to reconcile with that someday, but it was not the time!

Poor Joaquim was so worried about me. My last night, and I injure myself and bleed all over the place. (That's not true, there was really hardly any blood...) Then he had to say goodbye to me and let me go by myself through three different airports with two large bags. He was not happy about that! It was a sad goodbye, but thankfully it was the LAST one, and my last time traveling alone.

The next time I set foot on an airplane, I will be Mrs. Christine Fragoso, heading to Hawaii with my husband! Holy moley............................................

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Wow. It is so late and I have so many things to say, this is just going to be a mess. So, take it or leave it!

First of all, let's start with yesterday...

Joaquim and I were bummed that he had been enlisted as a driver to pick up his brother-in-law's family at the airport in Iguassu Falls. That's a 6 hour drive round trip, and they were supposed to arrive at 7pm, therefore leaving me alone for an entire Friday afternoon and evening. Being that I'm only here for two weeks and it had been nearly six months since we'd seen each other, that was a really big thing to ask. So we tried and tried to find someone to go in his place, but it turned out that only he or mãe could go in their car because of the insurance. So, seeing as mãe couldn't go since she was busy preparing for our party tonight, he was it. I couldn't go because there wouldn't be enough room coming back.

So, Wednesday night, I prayed ohhhhh Lord pleeeeease don't let him goooooooo. You know, a last desperate plea. Well, let me tell you, God is funny. He answered that prayer and added on more blessings on top of it.

I asked Joaquim to try and just take the whole afternoon off instead of coming back just in time to leave for the airport. So when he got home at noon, all smiles, he was free. We were sitting in the living room at two o'clock, reading a little devotional together, when his sister, acácia, came in to give the update on her in-laws' arrival. Apparently they had been misinformed about how to get their bags in São Paulo, so they left them in the baggage claim and got on the plane, only to be called off the plane to go check their bags, miss their flight, and be placed on a flight that would arrive at 1am.

Ai ai ai.

My first thought was "yay, he has the afternoon off!" My second thought was "hmm, at least I'll get to go to bed early..." and my third thought was "wait, this is crazy! he can't be driving that late at night!" Apparently, Mãe felt the same way, and was concerned with their car, since it's in need of a little (expensive) work to fix the shocks, something having to do with turning the wheels (I am not the right person to talk about these things...) and wasn't comfortable with them having that car on the road in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere. Amen, sister. So, Joaquim stayed and they enlisted a cousin to drive his car, and we went out for a snack! Instead of having less time together, we ended up with more. And why? Because I decided not to worry about it and whatever happens, happens, and just leave it in God's hands.

Ok, moving on to today.........

For those who didn't know, today was our Brazilian reception!!!!!! Oh my goodness, it was marvelous.

This morning we woke up around 9, had breakfast, spent time with more cousins who were arriving, ran some errands, etc. etc. The whole day was kind of that way. Figuring out last minute details, you know. We had to go through how to service would be. It wasn't an official wedding, but there was still a little program in the chapel. Pai spoke about Isaac and Rebecca and how each one chooses to leave their families and start a life together, make sacrifices, etc. Joaquim's cousin Karol sang, his uncle gave a little speech with some advice, mentioned Psalm 37:4, which has always been the verse that I have of course then we both shed a couple tears, but good ones.

Afterwards there were lots of hugs, congratulations, pictures, more hugs, more congratulations, and more pictures. The decorations were beaaaautiful, the flowers, the tables all set up...the food was delicious. It was a marvelous time!

Then the fun really began for Joaquim...his cousins had some other plans for him. They sent everyone out of the room where we were taking pictures of him and promptly had him dressed in a sparkly dress, a green boa, lipstick, and sent him out in town to ask for money for our honeymoon. Poor guy. We'll only hear the rest of the story tomorrow...

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I have really never been a sports fan. I mean, it's all well and good, but I just can't pay attention to a bunch of people running around after a ball for very long. I just can't! The sound of sports games makes me sleepy.

Last night, the Corinthians played. For those who are not familiar with Brazilian soccer, the Corinthians are a national team and are currently in the finals for the "copo do brasil"...Brazil Cup. It's kind of like a superbowl for soccer. And it is also Joaquim's team. The game started at 9:45 last night, so after church, Joaquim was all eyes on his watch. We went to the night market and got some dinner (ka-bobs and pastels...a pastel is like fried dough filled with meat or cheese. Deliiiicious.) There, we met Tio Zé, Tia Adi, Carol, Samuel, Gabi, and Barbara. (Uncles, aunts, and cousins.) We were there informed that we could eat dinner there, but save room for dessert because Tia Adi and her "assistant" Gabi made dessert. Mmmmm.

So, we made our way over to their house and had some delicious strawberry pie (for which I now have the recipe, much to Joaquim's joy and delight) and guaraná. Of course, we HAD to leave in time to get back for the game, haha. Joaquim herded us all out and we got home at 9:47. Phew.

Well let me say, I've never watched a Corinthians game before. It was certainly an experience. I fell asleep within about 5 or 10 minutes, but woke up every once in a while to loud clapping, "woo hoo!"s, "VAI FELIPE!!!" (yelling for the goalie to make some good saves...which he did, the other team didn't score) and, of course, "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!" and then someone vehemently rubbing my back and waking me up.

All of these loud loud loud noises came from none other than my darling fiancé, Joaquim.

So, now I know what I will be committing a life to: loud soccer game watching. :) I think I can handle it! There are worse things, that's for sure.

By the way, the Corinthians won, 2 x 0. Joaquim went to sleep a happy man.

This morning I woke up and headed over to Lar for breakfast, and then about an hour of dish washing. Phew...all the dishes from last night and from breakfast were piled up because the water main for the kitchen had been interrupted, and there was no water with which to wash dishes! Thankfully, very soon after, the water came on and we got to work. It was a nice time of conversation with Cheryl and Evan and Kathryn.

Cheryl comes to Lar every summer and brings a team and stays for about a month. She's been coming for 7 or 8 years and just loves this place! This year she brought a young man from the high school where she teaches, and he decided to stay the whole time she is. He loves these kids, for sure. And Kathryn came with Acácia and Eric to learn Portuguese, or rather just sharpen it up.

Anyway, it's been fun to talk with them and certainly made the dish washing pass more quickly.

Last night at church, we sang a hymn called "Amor Fraternal." Brotherly love. It was all about the unity of the body, and not holding grudges, everyone working together. I think that is something we all could really remember. Why are we here? What are we doing? Are the things that bother us really such a big deal? I know I was convicted while singing that. I hope everything I do is for the good of everyone.

So for the rest of the day, there may be more cleaning in my life. Cleaning here is REALLY difficult. The dirt and dust here is red, so after a day or two, the freshly mopped and sparkling floors are disgusting. Cleaning it involves a giant squeegee that they use as a mop, draping a cloth over it, lots of throwing of soapy water, and then they push all the dirty water out the door and let it dry on the pavement outside. That would just not work in the US, that's for sure. Swiffer wet-jet, anyone? :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

God's omnicience and omnipresence

I heard a sermon once that emphasized this: "God is always watching." My first reaction was to kind of be creeped out. He is ALWAYS watching, even when I do or say something I shouldn't? It reminded me of Santa Claus, and being afraid of being put on the naughty list. But God knows everything and is everywhere. So He IS always watching, but it is a comfort, not a cause for fear.

Pai spoke about those two things in church on Sunday. He has recently been able to read the Bible again! It had been years since he could, because a combination of cataracts and complications of diabetes. Praise the Lord, he preached two strong messages, excited about what he had been reading!

It's been chilly and cloudy here the last two days...pretty sleepy, if you ask me. Today, our guests for the party are beginning to arrive, so we spent some time this morning cleaning the guest house. Let me tell you, that is quite a job. By the time lunch was ready, I was sure ready for it!

I have a feeling it will be a crazy few days getting ready for the party...but it seems as though it is all coming together. I just can't believe that in a little over two months, it will all be coming together for the real deal...and then we will be DONE planning all these things. I can't wait for that. We'll just be sipping a smoothie in Hawaii, thinking "we're freeeeeee!" Oh that sounds marvelous...

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I write to you about 10 feet from my fiancé! It's true, we're finally together after over five months. I always feel like I go into a different "mode" while I'm here. But it is as true and real as anything. It's just number two. And there is much more to come for this Brazil mode. It's just in the future.

My trip was FINE, no need for worry, and I really wasn't that worried, thankfully. I was reminded of my first time here at Lar, singing "Days of Elijah" in the guest house with my team from Taylor University. A lot has changed since then...I know everyone here much better, they know me better, I speak Portuguese, I know more history, I see different perspectives...but one thing that hasn't changed is God's plan. He never changes, as Joaquim and I read together this morning. He is always the same. My junior year at Taylor, after arriving back from Brazil, the Lord made it very clear to me that He had some crazy plans ahead. And they are still unfolding...and you know what? I LOVE them!!

Well, do you want to know how my trip has been so far?

Friday was Brazil's Valentine's Day, which is why I arrived here that day. :) As soon as we got here, Joaquim whipped out a nice pink bag and gave me my gift...some beautiful perfume and lotion from a really nice boutique. I just adore the perfume! It's soft, a tiny bit fruity and sweet, but very light. I informed him that he can be in charge of my perfume for the rest of my life. Sounds like a plan.

Yesterday we went on a little double date with Eric and Acácia, which was fun. We went to a steakhouse for lunch, which was deliiiiicious, and we saw Night at the Museum 2, which really was just ok. I fell asleep, was really warm in the theater so I think I just couldn't help myself, and the movie was slow and predictable. But it was a nice DATE and the best Valentine's Day yet!

Last night we were watching a movie, and were just about to go to sleep. I went into my room (which is really Joaquim's room...he's staying with Daniel upstairs) and turned back the covers (Mãe had let me use this enormous, wonderful, soft, heavy, waaaarm blanket...) and there, wrapped up in that incredible blanket, sitting on my bed, was...

a mouse...

...and 4 little presents that it had left for me. A MOUSE, on my bed. So I screamed, naturally. I'm not afraid of mice, but it's just so gross and should NOT be on my BED, the place where I SLEEP! Joaquim came running and then he started yelling too, which really was funny, but we still weren't solving the problem. The mouse wasn't even scared, it just sat there, just chillin, looking at us. Then it slowly started meandering down the end of the bed, into my suitcase, on which Joaquim's jeans were sitting. So then he started yelling even more "ahhhhhhhhh it's going into MY jeans!" We both ran away, but I was like, "get over there, you have to get it now, while we can see it!"

I was envisioning it running under the bed or something and then we'd never find it and I wouldn't be able to sleep, knowing I could wake up with a mouse on my pillow. So Eric and Acácia came in, and Eric and Joaquim took 2 big bamboo poles and dragged my suitcase outside. They didn't want to touch it in case the mouse would run out at them. One their way out the door, Eric said "aww man, I feel like a GIRL!
(THANKFULLY it was the give-away clothes suitcase)
They then proceeded to dump the suitcase's contents on the front porche, hoping the mouse would run away, and the dog could come and get it. The dog had been sleeping, so it wasn't really on its game...and then the mouse started running back inside! So Eric ran inside, and Acácia shut the door right in Joaquim's face, leaving him there with the mouse.
Which he promptly killed. :(
Poor little guy, but...come on man, don't poop on my bed!

So now, the mouse is dead, I had to get like 4 blankets to replace that one incredible one, which will be washed today, and I slept well after all that. Joaquim and I had a good laugh, and there's another memory added to the pot. Our life is ridiculous.

ps. the cutest part of the day was when Joaquim changed the batteries of a little flashlight for me, leaving me with it in my room in case I heard any weird noises and got afraid of more mice. Such a gem. :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Lord is my Shepherd...

The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.

He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,
he restores my soul.

He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.

You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

I am leaving on a jet plane in 7 1/2 hours!

Please pray for calm, safety, peace, and for a wonnnnnderful trip. I know that airplanes are great locations for conversation opportunities, so maybe I'll have the chance to talk with interesting people.

I am (mostly) packed, and it's still a bit surreal. I don't feel like I'm leaving this evening. Tylenol PM, HERE I COME!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

T-minus 3 days

Oh the clock is ticking slowly now that the "final countdown" is here!

I leave on Thursday evening at 9:29pm and that just can't come soon enough. For those who are concerned, I am feeling BETTER about the whole flying thing. There is no reason for worry whatsoever. So I will bring my tylenol pm and some books and maybe a dvd or something interesting on my ipod, and it will all hopefully pass very quickly.

Today, yesterday, and tomorrow will be pretty crazy...lots of little to-dos on my list. Like going to the library, getting my nails done (I got a sweet coupon) picking things up, you know...really BIG important things. Eventually I'll pack, and just hop on that plane. I better not forget my dress!

The plans for my trip just look marvelous. On Saturday we're going to Toledo, a nearby city that actually has a movie theater and a "mall" albeit small, and it is going to be so fun! Paddle boats, ice cream...Joaquim is really getting my hopes up, haha. We're going with Acácia, Eric, and their buddy Katherine, who apparently says Joaquim is "like the annoying older brother she never wished she had." She's 10 years old and pretty hilarious. It should be a blast. On the 20th of June, we're having our big party and that is not going to be a huge production, but I have a feeling it will be just lovely! I am really looking forward to that, of course! Other than that, there will be lots of relaxing, watching movies, talking with everyone, being cold (it's cold there right a constant 50 degrees no matter where you are...kind of nasty...) and maybe eating popcorn. Have I mentioned that I love popcorn?

I just can't wait to be there!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Princess House

Joaquim and I are officially registered with Princess House. It's a great company with great bakeware and cookware products, as well as BEAUTIFUL china. (My favorite part!) Check it out!
Just search for Joaquim Fragoso (it's easier to find under his name...there's only one!)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Do Not Worry!!

Life is complicated. But its difficulties make us ever more thankful for the true family and friends that we have.

Sometimes it's hard to hear that someone is not rejoicing with us in our blessings, but that they are in fact reacting with jealousy and anger. It really saddens me.

But when I look at how precious my loved ones are, I am so grateful. Joaquim and I had such a sweet talk last night, though late. Struggling with a difficult choice, I called him at nearly midnight my time, knowing it was almost 2am for him and I would probably be waking him up. Usually he would a) not hear the phone or b) fumble to answer it and not wake up until we'd been talking for 5 minutes. Last night, however, he answered right away, seeming very perky and awake! Apparently he had just gotten out of the shower. At 2am. After talking until late with his sister and brother-in-law. Who are wonderful and dear to us. And then we had a wonderful chat!

Last night at my small group, in which we're learning about God's design for the tabernacle and how His dwelling place is now in our hearts, I was so convicted and challenged and ENCOURAGED about prayer. What a GREAT God we serve!

Zechariah and Elizabeth were the perfect examples of how God hears our prayers. Beth Moore, in her video, painted such a vivid picture of how old they in fact were, and how long they had prayed for a son, and how incredible it was that Elizabeth was pregnant, probably after she had gone through menaupause. Pretty amazing! We've heard about that miracle and read that story, about how Zechariah saw an angel, then was mute, blah blah blah...but I think I have missed the most important part of that story. The part where Gabriel says "your prayer has been heard." How many prayers have you prayed? Isn't it humbling and encouraging to think that they don't just poof once they leave our lips. They are all carefully kept and answered, one by one...some take longer than others. Sometimes the answer isn't what we want, though it is for our good. But they all get answered. It reminded me that repetition isn't the key to success here. Sometimes I think that maybe if I pray the same thing every day, God will hear me better. Or the requests will just pile up so much He will eventually be forced to pay attention to me. Not so!! He is ALWAYS paying attention and he receives our prayers as fragrant insence the moment we utter them.

After the video, a girl in my small group shared a REALLY cool story. She knows a woman who recently had to go in for an MRI. It took about an hour and they were checking her brain for something. She was nervous thinking about being in such a small place for a whole hour, so she prayed to keep her mind distracted during the procedure. When it was over, the doctors mentioned that they could tell she was praying. She was surprised and asked how in the world they knew that! They said that when a person prays, they don't use the usual "thinking/processing"part of their brain, but they actually use the communication part. When we pray it is NOT just talking to no one. It is COMMUNICATING with a Holy God! And he hears.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I must confess. Lately, I have acquired an almost paralyzing fear of flying.

I don't know when this happened. I have flown since I was too young to even remember. I have flown overseas literally dozens of times, and my mileage plus account now boasts enough miles for a free ticket (though I am just saving more!) Why in the last 6 months have I suddenly been reduced to near panic attacks when flying in an airplane?

Some say that if you say exactly what you're afraid of, it helps you rationalize your way out of it. So, here goes...

1. I just hate the fragility of it all. If one little thing goes wrong, that's it. I always pray for the pilot when we are taking of...
2. I don't like being in the air for SO LONG. It's like we're this floating entity and I don't understand how something that huge can remain in 38,000 feet above the earth, packed with people and things, and be ok!
3. Taking off. I hate it. It absolutely terrifies me. So many noises: whirrings and grinding and screeching and whizzing and whooshing. Flying home from Brazil last January, the whole plane was shaking, and the overhead compartments were rattling so loudly. That can't be good!
4. Turbulence. Violent shaking while miles and miles in the air. Why?

I don't know, I just get generally jumpy and my heart races and I just think...I have so much to live for! I want to get married! I have too much to do! I'm not ready!

And then I land at my destination (I love landing...the closer to the ground, the better) and think...sheesh, why did I get so nervous?

I am FLYING to Brazil 2 weeks from tomorrow. I have been thinking about this June plane trip for months, with dread. You should probably pray for me.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Summertime, and the livin's easy

Maybe I am overreacting, but I must be getting older, because time seems to move SO much faster now that I have been out of school for two years. (Wow, has it been that long?) Joaquim and I have just over 100 days until we will be married, and we can tell it is fast approaching, because we are getting a lot of stuff done!

For anyone who is planning a wedding, or will one day plan a wedding, here is my advice to you: forget those lame checklists. Sometimes I look at those and just say, "what in the WORLD?" So many things we think are must-haves for a wedding and reception are so unnecessary. Find your own style and priorities, and stick to them! Don't let anyone tell you what their sister did or what other weddings they have been in were like. It's YOUR day and YOUR celebration, and you can really do whatever you want. All that to say, there are many things on my list that will remain un-checked because they are ridiculous.

Secondly, thank God for friends and family! I have been so blessed thus far with talented artistic help from so many. I would be pretty lost without it.

The warm weather today and the shrinking to-do list and the flipping pages of the calendar are just SO EXCITING. We're getting close!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Natives are Restless

It has officially been OVER 4 months since Joaquim and I have seen each other...and we are really feeling the separation! Over the years (Yes, 2 years TOMORROW!) we have gotten good at steeling ourselves to the weight of long distance relationships. We love our webcams and our headphones which allow us to see each others faces and hear each others voices. We use a phone card to call each other when time doesn't allow us to be at the computer. We email each other and send cute e-cards and little memories on Facebook. And we don't expect anything more, because to do that would just be contemplating the impossible.

Well, when the countdown gets to weeks instead of months, things always get interesting. It's like we are on our last string of patience, and are not always so...well...patient.

I told Joaquim last night that I could tell he was starting to get grumpy because of the wait, and he replied with a hearty "Yea, I REALLY am. It's just time for you to be here with me." I agree!

We would appreciate advanced prayers for my last single trip to Brazil, for which I leave on June 11th. It is beginning to hit me that this is the last time I will travel alone (a GOOD thing...) and is also the last time I will be in Brazil for a longer period of time than I am used to...which is not such a good thing. Even now I miss it so much, I miss the language and the people and the sounds of birds singing (tropical birds, not just robins or mourning doves) and I miss having coffee in the afternoon around a crowded table with everyone chatting and laughing. I can't wait to someday have my OWN crowded table in my own home there...that will be a dream come true!

Whooo, I got a little distracted there. What was I saying? Prayers? Oh, please pray for safety during the trip. I am increasingly NOT a fan of flying, so pray for my own nerves to just calm the heck down, and pray for smooth travel on the way home, as I am flying from Iguassu Falls to Rio, to New York, to the other major airport in New York, to Chicago. Yea. It will be interesting. Gotta love Travelocity deals! I just hope I rack up some sweet frequent flier miles!

Love to all, and Happy 2 year dating anniversary to my lindo tomorrow!

-Christine for the ALMOST Joaquim da Silva Fragoso family. :-D

Saturday, May 9, 2009

4 months

Wednesday was our negative 4 month anniversary! We are getting so close to that altar I can hear the music now! Actually, I am having trouble thinking of music for the ceremony. My thoughts so far include piano and cello. I LOVE the cello. If anyone has any suggestions/connections, send them my way!

Well you are probably wondering how it has been living at home. Really, I have been loving that I got Comcast installed of course. But seriously, it's a real blessing to have such a present and supportive family, especially as the planning starts to heat up. Everything is falling into place though! I signed with a caterer today and we will have such a cool menu. 4 different stations, each with different food...mmmmm and Joaquim and I will probably eat none of it haha.

One of my DEAREST friends and bridesmaids will be in Chicago this coming weekend for her sister's graduation and I am stealing her for Thursday night/Friday morning. We have so much planned for an approximately 15 hour time period, much of it that will have to include sleeping, so I don't know how it will all work out, but it will be fun. Pedicures, starbucks, LAUGHING, dinner, LAUGHING, bridesmaid dress try-on, LAUGHING...all included in the plans. She is just one of the funniest and most precious people I know and I can't wait to see her!

In MORE exciting news, Joaquim and I booked our honeymoon!! We are officially going to HAWAII for 4 nights and 5 days, staying at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. (Travelocity has some sweet deals...) We just could not be more excited. A get-away with just the two of us...something that has never happened and that we have so wished for, and it will be the perfect location.

Well I think those are all the updates for now. The month of May is already flying by and I am sure June, July, and August will go just as quickly if not moreso! The wedding is really starting to take shape and feel real...and it better because it's in 120 days!! Oh my goodness....