Holy blogging, Batman. I have fallen down on the job! Maybe because we are constantly taking care of an infant...that could be.
Oliver is here! As I'm sure you all know. He was born at 5:51am on August 9, 2010. 8 pounds, 14 ounces, and 22 inches...though at the pediatrician they measured him at 20.5 inches. Who knows. I still think he's a tall little man. He has big hands and feet with long fingers and toes, blue eyes for now, a nice head of fluffy brown hair and is cute as a button! When he cries sometimes he sounds like a teapot...really, last night after we put him down I heard the sound of a teapot on tv and thought he was crying in his crib.
The labor and delivery went very smoothly. It was a little slow since he was the first baby, so I got pumped with pitocin and therefore opted for a blissful epidural. Man, that was a good decision. After about 15 hours of active labor, Oliver was born!
He has been doing great ever since...eating well and gaining weight. He's starting to get heavy so it's tiring to hold him as much as he would like! He is a total snuggle bug and just loves to be held. He had some trouble sleeping in his crib and his pack and play for a few weeks. I think they were just too big for him, because he liked sleeping in his car seat. He would just sprawl out and his arm and legs would flail everywhere, waking himself up if he'd fallen asleep in our arms. For a few weeks we would sleep with him in the recliner, on the couch, laying on our chests. It was the only way to get some shut-eye in this house! Now he's too big to curl up the same way on our chests (they grow up so fast!) and he has more control over his flaily arms and legs so he is comfortable in his bed. Praise the Lord.
Oliver is a very active little guy and he can be louuuuuud when he wants to! I swear I will have hearing damage by the time he is out of infancy. ;-) He also has just the cutest smile, which he graced us with for the first time a couple weeks ago. It's amazing how one day all of a sudden they just...do it! Yesterday he melted my heart when I got home from work. Joaquim opened the door for me and was holding Oliver, who was content and awake. I said hi to Joaquim and gave him a kiss and then looked at Oliver and said hi to him and asked him how his day was, gave him a kiss on the forehead, and then...got a BIG smile for mommy. What a way to be welcomed home. :)
He loves to look at pictures frames on our walls. His tia Acacia made him a cross-stitched picture with some bears and a stork and a baby and he just loooooves to look at that hanging about his changing table while we change his diaper. He will just smile and coo at "his friends the bears". So adorable.
Mr. Oliver really keeps us on our toes and I often think that when he starts crawling we will be on 24/7 watch to make sure he doesn't terrorize the house and/or himself! He is a rascal for sure. And we love him!
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