Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I must confess. Lately, I have acquired an almost paralyzing fear of flying.

I don't know when this happened. I have flown since I was too young to even remember. I have flown overseas literally dozens of times, and my mileage plus account now boasts enough miles for a free ticket (though I am just saving more!) Why in the last 6 months have I suddenly been reduced to near panic attacks when flying in an airplane?

Some say that if you say exactly what you're afraid of, it helps you rationalize your way out of it. So, here goes...

1. I just hate the fragility of it all. If one little thing goes wrong, that's it. I always pray for the pilot when we are taking of...
2. I don't like being in the air for SO LONG. It's like we're this floating entity and I don't understand how something that huge can remain in 38,000 feet above the earth, packed with people and things, and be ok!
3. Taking off. I hate it. It absolutely terrifies me. So many noises: whirrings and grinding and screeching and whizzing and whooshing. Flying home from Brazil last January, the whole plane was shaking, and the overhead compartments were rattling so loudly. That can't be good!
4. Turbulence. Violent shaking while miles and miles in the air. Why?

I don't know, I just get generally jumpy and my heart races and I just think...I have so much to live for! I want to get married! I have too much to do! I'm not ready!

And then I land at my destination (I love landing...the closer to the ground, the better) and think...sheesh, why did I get so nervous?

I am FLYING to Brazil 2 weeks from tomorrow. I have been thinking about this June plane trip for months, with dread. You should probably pray for me.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Summertime, and the livin's easy

Maybe I am overreacting, but I must be getting older, because time seems to move SO much faster now that I have been out of school for two years. (Wow, has it been that long?) Joaquim and I have just over 100 days until we will be married, and we can tell it is fast approaching, because we are getting a lot of stuff done!

For anyone who is planning a wedding, or will one day plan a wedding, here is my advice to you: forget those lame checklists. Sometimes I look at those and just say, "what in the WORLD?" So many things we think are must-haves for a wedding and reception are so unnecessary. Find your own style and priorities, and stick to them! Don't let anyone tell you what their sister did or what other weddings they have been in were like. It's YOUR day and YOUR celebration, and you can really do whatever you want. All that to say, there are many things on my list that will remain un-checked because they are ridiculous.

Secondly, thank God for friends and family! I have been so blessed thus far with talented artistic help from so many. I would be pretty lost without it.

The warm weather today and the shrinking to-do list and the flipping pages of the calendar are just SO EXCITING. We're getting close!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Natives are Restless

It has officially been OVER 4 months since Joaquim and I have seen each other...and we are really feeling the separation! Over the years (Yes, 2 years TOMORROW!) we have gotten good at steeling ourselves to the weight of long distance relationships. We love our webcams and our headphones which allow us to see each others faces and hear each others voices. We use a phone card to call each other when time doesn't allow us to be at the computer. We email each other and send cute e-cards and little memories on Facebook. And we don't expect anything more, because to do that would just be contemplating the impossible.

Well, when the countdown gets to weeks instead of months, things always get interesting. It's like we are on our last string of patience, and are not always so...well...patient.

I told Joaquim last night that I could tell he was starting to get grumpy because of the wait, and he replied with a hearty "Yea, I REALLY am. It's just time for you to be here with me." I agree!

We would appreciate advanced prayers for my last single trip to Brazil, for which I leave on June 11th. It is beginning to hit me that this is the last time I will travel alone (a GOOD thing...) and is also the last time I will be in Brazil for a longer period of time than I am used to...which is not such a good thing. Even now I miss it so much, I miss the language and the people and the sounds of birds singing (tropical birds, not just robins or mourning doves) and I miss having coffee in the afternoon around a crowded table with everyone chatting and laughing. I can't wait to someday have my OWN crowded table in my own home there...that will be a dream come true!

Whooo, I got a little distracted there. What was I saying? Prayers? Oh, please pray for safety during the trip. I am increasingly NOT a fan of flying, so pray for my own nerves to just calm the heck down, and pray for smooth travel on the way home, as I am flying from Iguassu Falls to Rio, to New York, to the other major airport in New York, to Chicago. Yea. It will be interesting. Gotta love Travelocity deals! I just hope I rack up some sweet frequent flier miles!

Love to all, and Happy 2 year dating anniversary to my lindo tomorrow!

-Christine for the ALMOST Joaquim da Silva Fragoso family. :-D

Saturday, May 9, 2009

4 months

Wednesday was our negative 4 month anniversary! We are getting so close to that altar I can hear the music now! Actually, I am having trouble thinking of music for the ceremony. My thoughts so far include piano and cello. I LOVE the cello. If anyone has any suggestions/connections, send them my way!

Well you are probably wondering how it has been living at home. Really, I have been loving that I got Comcast installed of course. But seriously, it's a real blessing to have such a present and supportive family, especially as the planning starts to heat up. Everything is falling into place though! I signed with a caterer today and we will have such a cool menu. 4 different stations, each with different food...mmmmm and Joaquim and I will probably eat none of it haha.

One of my DEAREST friends and bridesmaids will be in Chicago this coming weekend for her sister's graduation and I am stealing her for Thursday night/Friday morning. We have so much planned for an approximately 15 hour time period, much of it that will have to include sleeping, so I don't know how it will all work out, but it will be fun. Pedicures, starbucks, LAUGHING, dinner, LAUGHING, bridesmaid dress try-on, LAUGHING...all included in the plans. She is just one of the funniest and most precious people I know and I can't wait to see her!

In MORE exciting news, Joaquim and I booked our honeymoon!! We are officially going to HAWAII for 4 nights and 5 days, staying at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. (Travelocity has some sweet deals...) We just could not be more excited. A get-away with just the two of us...something that has never happened and that we have so wished for, and it will be the perfect location.

Well I think those are all the updates for now. The month of May is already flying by and I am sure June, July, and August will go just as quickly if not moreso! The wedding is really starting to take shape and feel real...and it better because it's in 120 days!! Oh my goodness....