Monday, March 2, 2009


I'm not going to lie, it has been a rough week for Joaquim and I! I think the stress of the documentation, and that which is lacking, is getting to our brains. But we will be fine! And how many times do we have to hear "communication is key" until we finally get it? I was the culprit these past few days...

Joaquim went to Sao Paulo last Sunday evening, and was there until Thursday morning. His physical went well, everything is in order, which is no surprise as Joaquim is quite the organized and responsible fellow. He is now waiting anxiously...aka an attempt at patiently...for the doctor's letter to arrive. He also has to go to Cascavel in the next week or two, to pick up another document he needs. There are so many documents here that I am not quite sure which is which.

Anyway, upon his return from Sao Paulo, he was a bit of a stress case, which resulted in me trying to be the calming influence. However, I am far from calm at the moment because I, too, am trying to get some affidavits together (and I think I am driving my dad crazy in the process...thanks for your help, dad and forgive my outbursts!) So I was trying to withhold my stress in order to relieve Joaquim's. Did that work? No, no it did not.

These are the times we both whine about how it would be better to be together! Because in a pinch, a smooch goes a long way. ;)

But guess what? March 24th, baby! In God's will, Joaquim will have his visa and we will just go back to normal wedding planning, and all will be well!

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