Christine is the blogger and the thinker, so she here shares her introspections. Joaquim is the talker and the fun-haver, so Christine also shares their fun, crazy, and perhaps only sometimes mundane experiences.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Here are a few pics from our party! A great day that we hope to remember can find more pictures on my facebook!

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Wow. It is so late and I have so many things to say, this is just going to be a mess. So, take it or leave it!
First of all, let's start with yesterday...
Joaquim and I were bummed that he had been enlisted as a driver to pick up his brother-in-law's family at the airport in Iguassu Falls. That's a 6 hour drive round trip, and they were supposed to arrive at 7pm, therefore leaving me alone for an entire Friday afternoon and evening. Being that I'm only here for two weeks and it had been nearly six months since we'd seen each other, that was a really big thing to ask. So we tried and tried to find someone to go in his place, but it turned out that only he or mãe could go in their car because of the insurance. So, seeing as mãe couldn't go since she was busy preparing for our party tonight, he was it. I couldn't go because there wouldn't be enough room coming back.
So, Wednesday night, I prayed ohhhhh Lord pleeeeease don't let him goooooooo. You know, a last desperate plea. Well, let me tell you, God is funny. He answered that prayer and added on more blessings on top of it.
I asked Joaquim to try and just take the whole afternoon off instead of coming back just in time to leave for the airport. So when he got home at noon, all smiles, he was free. We were sitting in the living room at two o'clock, reading a little devotional together, when his sister, acácia, came in to give the update on her in-laws' arrival. Apparently they had been misinformed about how to get their bags in São Paulo, so they left them in the baggage claim and got on the plane, only to be called off the plane to go check their bags, miss their flight, and be placed on a flight that would arrive at 1am.
Ai ai ai.
My first thought was "yay, he has the afternoon off!" My second thought was "hmm, at least I'll get to go to bed early..." and my third thought was "wait, this is crazy! he can't be driving that late at night!" Apparently, Mãe felt the same way, and was concerned with their car, since it's in need of a little (expensive) work to fix the shocks, something having to do with turning the wheels (I am not the right person to talk about these things...) and wasn't comfortable with them having that car on the road in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere. Amen, sister. So, Joaquim stayed and they enlisted a cousin to drive his car, and we went out for a snack! Instead of having less time together, we ended up with more. And why? Because I decided not to worry about it and whatever happens, happens, and just leave it in God's hands.
Ok, moving on to today.........
For those who didn't know, today was our Brazilian reception!!!!!! Oh my goodness, it was marvelous.
This morning we woke up around 9, had breakfast, spent time with more cousins who were arriving, ran some errands, etc. etc. The whole day was kind of that way. Figuring out last minute details, you know. We had to go through how to service would be. It wasn't an official wedding, but there was still a little program in the chapel. Pai spoke about Isaac and Rebecca and how each one chooses to leave their families and start a life together, make sacrifices, etc. Joaquim's cousin Karol sang, his uncle gave a little speech with some advice, mentioned Psalm 37:4, which has always been the verse that I have of course then we both shed a couple tears, but good ones.
Afterwards there were lots of hugs, congratulations, pictures, more hugs, more congratulations, and more pictures. The decorations were beaaaautiful, the flowers, the tables all set up...the food was delicious. It was a marvelous time!
Then the fun really began for Joaquim...his cousins had some other plans for him. They sent everyone out of the room where we were taking pictures of him and promptly had him dressed in a sparkly dress, a green boa, lipstick, and sent him out in town to ask for money for our honeymoon. Poor guy. We'll only hear the rest of the story tomorrow...
First of all, let's start with yesterday...
Joaquim and I were bummed that he had been enlisted as a driver to pick up his brother-in-law's family at the airport in Iguassu Falls. That's a 6 hour drive round trip, and they were supposed to arrive at 7pm, therefore leaving me alone for an entire Friday afternoon and evening. Being that I'm only here for two weeks and it had been nearly six months since we'd seen each other, that was a really big thing to ask. So we tried and tried to find someone to go in his place, but it turned out that only he or mãe could go in their car because of the insurance. So, seeing as mãe couldn't go since she was busy preparing for our party tonight, he was it. I couldn't go because there wouldn't be enough room coming back.
So, Wednesday night, I prayed ohhhhh Lord pleeeeease don't let him goooooooo. You know, a last desperate plea. Well, let me tell you, God is funny. He answered that prayer and added on more blessings on top of it.
I asked Joaquim to try and just take the whole afternoon off instead of coming back just in time to leave for the airport. So when he got home at noon, all smiles, he was free. We were sitting in the living room at two o'clock, reading a little devotional together, when his sister, acácia, came in to give the update on her in-laws' arrival. Apparently they had been misinformed about how to get their bags in São Paulo, so they left them in the baggage claim and got on the plane, only to be called off the plane to go check their bags, miss their flight, and be placed on a flight that would arrive at 1am.
Ai ai ai.
My first thought was "yay, he has the afternoon off!" My second thought was "hmm, at least I'll get to go to bed early..." and my third thought was "wait, this is crazy! he can't be driving that late at night!" Apparently, Mãe felt the same way, and was concerned with their car, since it's in need of a little (expensive) work to fix the shocks, something having to do with turning the wheels (I am not the right person to talk about these things...) and wasn't comfortable with them having that car on the road in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere. Amen, sister. So, Joaquim stayed and they enlisted a cousin to drive his car, and we went out for a snack! Instead of having less time together, we ended up with more. And why? Because I decided not to worry about it and whatever happens, happens, and just leave it in God's hands.
Ok, moving on to today.........
For those who didn't know, today was our Brazilian reception!!!!!! Oh my goodness, it was marvelous.
This morning we woke up around 9, had breakfast, spent time with more cousins who were arriving, ran some errands, etc. etc. The whole day was kind of that way. Figuring out last minute details, you know. We had to go through how to service would be. It wasn't an official wedding, but there was still a little program in the chapel. Pai spoke about Isaac and Rebecca and how each one chooses to leave their families and start a life together, make sacrifices, etc. Joaquim's cousin Karol sang, his uncle gave a little speech with some advice, mentioned Psalm 37:4, which has always been the verse that I have of course then we both shed a couple tears, but good ones.
Afterwards there were lots of hugs, congratulations, pictures, more hugs, more congratulations, and more pictures. The decorations were beaaaautiful, the flowers, the tables all set up...the food was delicious. It was a marvelous time!
Then the fun really began for Joaquim...his cousins had some other plans for him. They sent everyone out of the room where we were taking pictures of him and promptly had him dressed in a sparkly dress, a green boa, lipstick, and sent him out in town to ask for money for our honeymoon. Poor guy. We'll only hear the rest of the story tomorrow...
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I have really never been a sports fan. I mean, it's all well and good, but I just can't pay attention to a bunch of people running around after a ball for very long. I just can't! The sound of sports games makes me sleepy.
Last night, the Corinthians played. For those who are not familiar with Brazilian soccer, the Corinthians are a national team and are currently in the finals for the "copo do brasil"...Brazil Cup. It's kind of like a superbowl for soccer. And it is also Joaquim's team. The game started at 9:45 last night, so after church, Joaquim was all eyes on his watch. We went to the night market and got some dinner (ka-bobs and pastels...a pastel is like fried dough filled with meat or cheese. Deliiiicious.) There, we met Tio Zé, Tia Adi, Carol, Samuel, Gabi, and Barbara. (Uncles, aunts, and cousins.) We were there informed that we could eat dinner there, but save room for dessert because Tia Adi and her "assistant" Gabi made dessert. Mmmmm.
So, we made our way over to their house and had some delicious strawberry pie (for which I now have the recipe, much to Joaquim's joy and delight) and guaraná. Of course, we HAD to leave in time to get back for the game, haha. Joaquim herded us all out and we got home at 9:47. Phew.
Well let me say, I've never watched a Corinthians game before. It was certainly an experience. I fell asleep within about 5 or 10 minutes, but woke up every once in a while to loud clapping, "woo hoo!"s, "VAI FELIPE!!!" (yelling for the goalie to make some good saves...which he did, the other team didn't score) and, of course, "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!" and then someone vehemently rubbing my back and waking me up.
All of these loud loud loud noises came from none other than my darling fiancé, Joaquim.
So, now I know what I will be committing a life to: loud soccer game watching. :) I think I can handle it! There are worse things, that's for sure.
By the way, the Corinthians won, 2 x 0. Joaquim went to sleep a happy man.
This morning I woke up and headed over to Lar for breakfast, and then about an hour of dish washing. Phew...all the dishes from last night and from breakfast were piled up because the water main for the kitchen had been interrupted, and there was no water with which to wash dishes! Thankfully, very soon after, the water came on and we got to work. It was a nice time of conversation with Cheryl and Evan and Kathryn.
Cheryl comes to Lar every summer and brings a team and stays for about a month. She's been coming for 7 or 8 years and just loves this place! This year she brought a young man from the high school where she teaches, and he decided to stay the whole time she is. He loves these kids, for sure. And Kathryn came with Acácia and Eric to learn Portuguese, or rather just sharpen it up.
Anyway, it's been fun to talk with them and certainly made the dish washing pass more quickly.
Last night at church, we sang a hymn called "Amor Fraternal." Brotherly love. It was all about the unity of the body, and not holding grudges, everyone working together. I think that is something we all could really remember. Why are we here? What are we doing? Are the things that bother us really such a big deal? I know I was convicted while singing that. I hope everything I do is for the good of everyone.
So for the rest of the day, there may be more cleaning in my life. Cleaning here is REALLY difficult. The dirt and dust here is red, so after a day or two, the freshly mopped and sparkling floors are disgusting. Cleaning it involves a giant squeegee that they use as a mop, draping a cloth over it, lots of throwing of soapy water, and then they push all the dirty water out the door and let it dry on the pavement outside. That would just not work in the US, that's for sure. Swiffer wet-jet, anyone? :)
Last night, the Corinthians played. For those who are not familiar with Brazilian soccer, the Corinthians are a national team and are currently in the finals for the "copo do brasil"...Brazil Cup. It's kind of like a superbowl for soccer. And it is also Joaquim's team. The game started at 9:45 last night, so after church, Joaquim was all eyes on his watch. We went to the night market and got some dinner (ka-bobs and pastels...a pastel is like fried dough filled with meat or cheese. Deliiiicious.) There, we met Tio Zé, Tia Adi, Carol, Samuel, Gabi, and Barbara. (Uncles, aunts, and cousins.) We were there informed that we could eat dinner there, but save room for dessert because Tia Adi and her "assistant" Gabi made dessert. Mmmmm.
So, we made our way over to their house and had some delicious strawberry pie (for which I now have the recipe, much to Joaquim's joy and delight) and guaraná. Of course, we HAD to leave in time to get back for the game, haha. Joaquim herded us all out and we got home at 9:47. Phew.
Well let me say, I've never watched a Corinthians game before. It was certainly an experience. I fell asleep within about 5 or 10 minutes, but woke up every once in a while to loud clapping, "woo hoo!"s, "VAI FELIPE!!!" (yelling for the goalie to make some good saves...which he did, the other team didn't score) and, of course, "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!" and then someone vehemently rubbing my back and waking me up.
All of these loud loud loud noises came from none other than my darling fiancé, Joaquim.
So, now I know what I will be committing a life to: loud soccer game watching. :) I think I can handle it! There are worse things, that's for sure.
By the way, the Corinthians won, 2 x 0. Joaquim went to sleep a happy man.
This morning I woke up and headed over to Lar for breakfast, and then about an hour of dish washing. Phew...all the dishes from last night and from breakfast were piled up because the water main for the kitchen had been interrupted, and there was no water with which to wash dishes! Thankfully, very soon after, the water came on and we got to work. It was a nice time of conversation with Cheryl and Evan and Kathryn.
Cheryl comes to Lar every summer and brings a team and stays for about a month. She's been coming for 7 or 8 years and just loves this place! This year she brought a young man from the high school where she teaches, and he decided to stay the whole time she is. He loves these kids, for sure. And Kathryn came with Acácia and Eric to learn Portuguese, or rather just sharpen it up.
Anyway, it's been fun to talk with them and certainly made the dish washing pass more quickly.
Last night at church, we sang a hymn called "Amor Fraternal." Brotherly love. It was all about the unity of the body, and not holding grudges, everyone working together. I think that is something we all could really remember. Why are we here? What are we doing? Are the things that bother us really such a big deal? I know I was convicted while singing that. I hope everything I do is for the good of everyone.
So for the rest of the day, there may be more cleaning in my life. Cleaning here is REALLY difficult. The dirt and dust here is red, so after a day or two, the freshly mopped and sparkling floors are disgusting. Cleaning it involves a giant squeegee that they use as a mop, draping a cloth over it, lots of throwing of soapy water, and then they push all the dirty water out the door and let it dry on the pavement outside. That would just not work in the US, that's for sure. Swiffer wet-jet, anyone? :)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
God's omnicience and omnipresence
I heard a sermon once that emphasized this: "God is always watching." My first reaction was to kind of be creeped out. He is ALWAYS watching, even when I do or say something I shouldn't? It reminded me of Santa Claus, and being afraid of being put on the naughty list. But God knows everything and is everywhere. So He IS always watching, but it is a comfort, not a cause for fear.
Pai spoke about those two things in church on Sunday. He has recently been able to read the Bible again! It had been years since he could, because a combination of cataracts and complications of diabetes. Praise the Lord, he preached two strong messages, excited about what he had been reading!
It's been chilly and cloudy here the last two days...pretty sleepy, if you ask me. Today, our guests for the party are beginning to arrive, so we spent some time this morning cleaning the guest house. Let me tell you, that is quite a job. By the time lunch was ready, I was sure ready for it!
I have a feeling it will be a crazy few days getting ready for the party...but it seems as though it is all coming together. I just can't believe that in a little over two months, it will all be coming together for the real deal...and then we will be DONE planning all these things. I can't wait for that. We'll just be sipping a smoothie in Hawaii, thinking "we're freeeeeee!" Oh that sounds marvelous...
Pai spoke about those two things in church on Sunday. He has recently been able to read the Bible again! It had been years since he could, because a combination of cataracts and complications of diabetes. Praise the Lord, he preached two strong messages, excited about what he had been reading!
It's been chilly and cloudy here the last two days...pretty sleepy, if you ask me. Today, our guests for the party are beginning to arrive, so we spent some time this morning cleaning the guest house. Let me tell you, that is quite a job. By the time lunch was ready, I was sure ready for it!
I have a feeling it will be a crazy few days getting ready for the party...but it seems as though it is all coming together. I just can't believe that in a little over two months, it will all be coming together for the real deal...and then we will be DONE planning all these things. I can't wait for that. We'll just be sipping a smoothie in Hawaii, thinking "we're freeeeeee!" Oh that sounds marvelous...
Sunday, June 14, 2009
I write to you about 10 feet from my fiancé! It's true, we're finally together after over five months. I always feel like I go into a different "mode" while I'm here. But it is as true and real as anything. It's just number two. And there is much more to come for this Brazil mode. It's just in the future.
My trip was FINE, no need for worry, and I really wasn't that worried, thankfully. I was reminded of my first time here at Lar, singing "Days of Elijah" in the guest house with my team from Taylor University. A lot has changed since then...I know everyone here much better, they know me better, I speak Portuguese, I know more history, I see different perspectives...but one thing that hasn't changed is God's plan. He never changes, as Joaquim and I read together this morning. He is always the same. My junior year at Taylor, after arriving back from Brazil, the Lord made it very clear to me that He had some crazy plans ahead. And they are still unfolding...and you know what? I LOVE them!!
Well, do you want to know how my trip has been so far?
Friday was Brazil's Valentine's Day, which is why I arrived here that day. :) As soon as we got here, Joaquim whipped out a nice pink bag and gave me my gift...some beautiful perfume and lotion from a really nice boutique. I just adore the perfume! It's soft, a tiny bit fruity and sweet, but very light. I informed him that he can be in charge of my perfume for the rest of my life. Sounds like a plan.
Yesterday we went on a little double date with Eric and Acácia, which was fun. We went to a steakhouse for lunch, which was deliiiiicious, and we saw Night at the Museum 2, which really was just ok. I fell asleep, was really warm in the theater so I think I just couldn't help myself, and the movie was slow and predictable. But it was a nice DATE and the best Valentine's Day yet!
Last night we were watching a movie, and were just about to go to sleep. I went into my room (which is really Joaquim's room...he's staying with Daniel upstairs) and turned back the covers (Mãe had let me use this enormous, wonderful, soft, heavy, waaaarm blanket...) and there, wrapped up in that incredible blanket, sitting on my bed, was...
a mouse...
...and 4 little presents that it had left for me. A MOUSE, on my bed. So I screamed, naturally. I'm not afraid of mice, but it's just so gross and should NOT be on my BED, the place where I SLEEP! Joaquim came running and then he started yelling too, which really was funny, but we still weren't solving the problem. The mouse wasn't even scared, it just sat there, just chillin, looking at us. Then it slowly started meandering down the end of the bed, into my suitcase, on which Joaquim's jeans were sitting. So then he started yelling even more "ahhhhhhhhh it's going into MY jeans!" We both ran away, but I was like, "get over there, you have to get it now, while we can see it!"
I was envisioning it running under the bed or something and then we'd never find it and I wouldn't be able to sleep, knowing I could wake up with a mouse on my pillow. So Eric and Acácia came in, and Eric and Joaquim took 2 big bamboo poles and dragged my suitcase outside. They didn't want to touch it in case the mouse would run out at them. One their way out the door, Eric said "aww man, I feel like a GIRL!
(THANKFULLY it was the give-away clothes suitcase)
They then proceeded to dump the suitcase's contents on the front porche, hoping the mouse would run away, and the dog could come and get it. The dog had been sleeping, so it wasn't really on its game...and then the mouse started running back inside! So Eric ran inside, and Acácia shut the door right in Joaquim's face, leaving him there with the mouse.
Which he promptly killed. :(
Poor little guy, but...come on man, don't poop on my bed!
So now, the mouse is dead, I had to get like 4 blankets to replace that one incredible one, which will be washed today, and I slept well after all that. Joaquim and I had a good laugh, and there's another memory added to the pot. Our life is ridiculous.
ps. the cutest part of the day was when Joaquim changed the batteries of a little flashlight for me, leaving me with it in my room in case I heard any weird noises and got afraid of more mice. Such a gem. :)
My trip was FINE, no need for worry, and I really wasn't that worried, thankfully. I was reminded of my first time here at Lar, singing "Days of Elijah" in the guest house with my team from Taylor University. A lot has changed since then...I know everyone here much better, they know me better, I speak Portuguese, I know more history, I see different perspectives...but one thing that hasn't changed is God's plan. He never changes, as Joaquim and I read together this morning. He is always the same. My junior year at Taylor, after arriving back from Brazil, the Lord made it very clear to me that He had some crazy plans ahead. And they are still unfolding...and you know what? I LOVE them!!
Well, do you want to know how my trip has been so far?
Friday was Brazil's Valentine's Day, which is why I arrived here that day. :) As soon as we got here, Joaquim whipped out a nice pink bag and gave me my gift...some beautiful perfume and lotion from a really nice boutique. I just adore the perfume! It's soft, a tiny bit fruity and sweet, but very light. I informed him that he can be in charge of my perfume for the rest of my life. Sounds like a plan.
Yesterday we went on a little double date with Eric and Acácia, which was fun. We went to a steakhouse for lunch, which was deliiiiicious, and we saw Night at the Museum 2, which really was just ok. I fell asleep, was really warm in the theater so I think I just couldn't help myself, and the movie was slow and predictable. But it was a nice DATE and the best Valentine's Day yet!
Last night we were watching a movie, and were just about to go to sleep. I went into my room (which is really Joaquim's room...he's staying with Daniel upstairs) and turned back the covers (Mãe had let me use this enormous, wonderful, soft, heavy, waaaarm blanket...) and there, wrapped up in that incredible blanket, sitting on my bed, was...
a mouse...
...and 4 little presents that it had left for me. A MOUSE, on my bed. So I screamed, naturally. I'm not afraid of mice, but it's just so gross and should NOT be on my BED, the place where I SLEEP! Joaquim came running and then he started yelling too, which really was funny, but we still weren't solving the problem. The mouse wasn't even scared, it just sat there, just chillin, looking at us. Then it slowly started meandering down the end of the bed, into my suitcase, on which Joaquim's jeans were sitting. So then he started yelling even more "ahhhhhhhhh it's going into MY jeans!" We both ran away, but I was like, "get over there, you have to get it now, while we can see it!"
I was envisioning it running under the bed or something and then we'd never find it and I wouldn't be able to sleep, knowing I could wake up with a mouse on my pillow. So Eric and Acácia came in, and Eric and Joaquim took 2 big bamboo poles and dragged my suitcase outside. They didn't want to touch it in case the mouse would run out at them. One their way out the door, Eric said "aww man, I feel like a GIRL!
(THANKFULLY it was the give-away clothes suitcase)
They then proceeded to dump the suitcase's contents on the front porche, hoping the mouse would run away, and the dog could come and get it. The dog had been sleeping, so it wasn't really on its game...and then the mouse started running back inside! So Eric ran inside, and Acácia shut the door right in Joaquim's face, leaving him there with the mouse.
Which he promptly killed. :(
Poor little guy, but...come on man, don't poop on my bed!
So now, the mouse is dead, I had to get like 4 blankets to replace that one incredible one, which will be washed today, and I slept well after all that. Joaquim and I had a good laugh, and there's another memory added to the pot. Our life is ridiculous.
ps. the cutest part of the day was when Joaquim changed the batteries of a little flashlight for me, leaving me with it in my room in case I heard any weird noises and got afraid of more mice. Such a gem. :)
Thursday, June 11, 2009
The Lord is my Shepherd...
The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,
he restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
Please pray for calm, safety, peace, and for a wonnnnnderful trip. I know that airplanes are great locations for conversation opportunities, so maybe I'll have the chance to talk with interesting people.
I am (mostly) packed, and it's still a bit surreal. I don't feel like I'm leaving this evening. Tylenol PM, HERE I COME!!
He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,
he restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
I am leaving on a jet plane in 7 1/2 hours!Please pray for calm, safety, peace, and for a wonnnnnderful trip. I know that airplanes are great locations for conversation opportunities, so maybe I'll have the chance to talk with interesting people.
I am (mostly) packed, and it's still a bit surreal. I don't feel like I'm leaving this evening. Tylenol PM, HERE I COME!!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
T-minus 3 days
Oh the clock is ticking slowly now that the "final countdown" is here!
I leave on Thursday evening at 9:29pm and that just can't come soon enough. For those who are concerned, I am feeling BETTER about the whole flying thing. There is no reason for worry whatsoever. So I will bring my tylenol pm and some books and maybe a dvd or something interesting on my ipod, and it will all hopefully pass very quickly.
Today, yesterday, and tomorrow will be pretty crazy...lots of little to-dos on my list. Like going to the library, getting my nails done (I got a sweet coupon) picking things up, you know...really BIG important things. Eventually I'll pack, and just hop on that plane. I better not forget my dress!
The plans for my trip just look marvelous. On Saturday we're going to Toledo, a nearby city that actually has a movie theater and a "mall" albeit small, and it is going to be so fun! Paddle boats, ice cream...Joaquim is really getting my hopes up, haha. We're going with Acácia, Eric, and their buddy Katherine, who apparently says Joaquim is "like the annoying older brother she never wished she had." She's 10 years old and pretty hilarious. It should be a blast. On the 20th of June, we're having our big party and that is not going to be a huge production, but I have a feeling it will be just lovely! I am really looking forward to that, of course! Other than that, there will be lots of relaxing, watching movies, talking with everyone, being cold (it's cold there right a constant 50 degrees no matter where you are...kind of nasty...) and maybe eating popcorn. Have I mentioned that I love popcorn?
I just can't wait to be there!!
I leave on Thursday evening at 9:29pm and that just can't come soon enough. For those who are concerned, I am feeling BETTER about the whole flying thing. There is no reason for worry whatsoever. So I will bring my tylenol pm and some books and maybe a dvd or something interesting on my ipod, and it will all hopefully pass very quickly.
Today, yesterday, and tomorrow will be pretty crazy...lots of little to-dos on my list. Like going to the library, getting my nails done (I got a sweet coupon) picking things up, you know...really BIG important things. Eventually I'll pack, and just hop on that plane. I better not forget my dress!
The plans for my trip just look marvelous. On Saturday we're going to Toledo, a nearby city that actually has a movie theater and a "mall" albeit small, and it is going to be so fun! Paddle boats, ice cream...Joaquim is really getting my hopes up, haha. We're going with Acácia, Eric, and their buddy Katherine, who apparently says Joaquim is "like the annoying older brother she never wished she had." She's 10 years old and pretty hilarious. It should be a blast. On the 20th of June, we're having our big party and that is not going to be a huge production, but I have a feeling it will be just lovely! I am really looking forward to that, of course! Other than that, there will be lots of relaxing, watching movies, talking with everyone, being cold (it's cold there right a constant 50 degrees no matter where you are...kind of nasty...) and maybe eating popcorn. Have I mentioned that I love popcorn?
I just can't wait to be there!!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Princess House
Joaquim and I are officially registered with Princess House. It's a great company with great bakeware and cookware products, as well as BEAUTIFUL china. (My favorite part!) Check it out!
Just search for Joaquim Fragoso (it's easier to find under his name...there's only one!)
Just search for Joaquim Fragoso (it's easier to find under his name...there's only one!)
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Do Not Worry!!
Life is complicated. But its difficulties make us ever more thankful for the true family and friends that we have.
Sometimes it's hard to hear that someone is not rejoicing with us in our blessings, but that they are in fact reacting with jealousy and anger. It really saddens me.
But when I look at how precious my loved ones are, I am so grateful. Joaquim and I had such a sweet talk last night, though late. Struggling with a difficult choice, I called him at nearly midnight my time, knowing it was almost 2am for him and I would probably be waking him up. Usually he would a) not hear the phone or b) fumble to answer it and not wake up until we'd been talking for 5 minutes. Last night, however, he answered right away, seeming very perky and awake! Apparently he had just gotten out of the shower. At 2am. After talking until late with his sister and brother-in-law. Who are wonderful and dear to us. And then we had a wonderful chat!
Last night at my small group, in which we're learning about God's design for the tabernacle and how His dwelling place is now in our hearts, I was so convicted and challenged and ENCOURAGED about prayer. What a GREAT God we serve!
Zechariah and Elizabeth were the perfect examples of how God hears our prayers. Beth Moore, in her video, painted such a vivid picture of how old they in fact were, and how long they had prayed for a son, and how incredible it was that Elizabeth was pregnant, probably after she had gone through menaupause. Pretty amazing! We've heard about that miracle and read that story, about how Zechariah saw an angel, then was mute, blah blah blah...but I think I have missed the most important part of that story. The part where Gabriel says "your prayer has been heard." How many prayers have you prayed? Isn't it humbling and encouraging to think that they don't just poof once they leave our lips. They are all carefully kept and answered, one by one...some take longer than others. Sometimes the answer isn't what we want, though it is for our good. But they all get answered. It reminded me that repetition isn't the key to success here. Sometimes I think that maybe if I pray the same thing every day, God will hear me better. Or the requests will just pile up so much He will eventually be forced to pay attention to me. Not so!! He is ALWAYS paying attention and he receives our prayers as fragrant insence the moment we utter them.
After the video, a girl in my small group shared a REALLY cool story. She knows a woman who recently had to go in for an MRI. It took about an hour and they were checking her brain for something. She was nervous thinking about being in such a small place for a whole hour, so she prayed to keep her mind distracted during the procedure. When it was over, the doctors mentioned that they could tell she was praying. She was surprised and asked how in the world they knew that! They said that when a person prays, they don't use the usual "thinking/processing"part of their brain, but they actually use the communication part. When we pray it is NOT just talking to no one. It is COMMUNICATING with a Holy God! And he hears.
Sometimes it's hard to hear that someone is not rejoicing with us in our blessings, but that they are in fact reacting with jealousy and anger. It really saddens me.
But when I look at how precious my loved ones are, I am so grateful. Joaquim and I had such a sweet talk last night, though late. Struggling with a difficult choice, I called him at nearly midnight my time, knowing it was almost 2am for him and I would probably be waking him up. Usually he would a) not hear the phone or b) fumble to answer it and not wake up until we'd been talking for 5 minutes. Last night, however, he answered right away, seeming very perky and awake! Apparently he had just gotten out of the shower. At 2am. After talking until late with his sister and brother-in-law. Who are wonderful and dear to us. And then we had a wonderful chat!
Last night at my small group, in which we're learning about God's design for the tabernacle and how His dwelling place is now in our hearts, I was so convicted and challenged and ENCOURAGED about prayer. What a GREAT God we serve!
Zechariah and Elizabeth were the perfect examples of how God hears our prayers. Beth Moore, in her video, painted such a vivid picture of how old they in fact were, and how long they had prayed for a son, and how incredible it was that Elizabeth was pregnant, probably after she had gone through menaupause. Pretty amazing! We've heard about that miracle and read that story, about how Zechariah saw an angel, then was mute, blah blah blah...but I think I have missed the most important part of that story. The part where Gabriel says "your prayer has been heard." How many prayers have you prayed? Isn't it humbling and encouraging to think that they don't just poof once they leave our lips. They are all carefully kept and answered, one by one...some take longer than others. Sometimes the answer isn't what we want, though it is for our good. But they all get answered. It reminded me that repetition isn't the key to success here. Sometimes I think that maybe if I pray the same thing every day, God will hear me better. Or the requests will just pile up so much He will eventually be forced to pay attention to me. Not so!! He is ALWAYS paying attention and he receives our prayers as fragrant insence the moment we utter them.
After the video, a girl in my small group shared a REALLY cool story. She knows a woman who recently had to go in for an MRI. It took about an hour and they were checking her brain for something. She was nervous thinking about being in such a small place for a whole hour, so she prayed to keep her mind distracted during the procedure. When it was over, the doctors mentioned that they could tell she was praying. She was surprised and asked how in the world they knew that! They said that when a person prays, they don't use the usual "thinking/processing"part of their brain, but they actually use the communication part. When we pray it is NOT just talking to no one. It is COMMUNICATING with a Holy God! And he hears.
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